
Everyone is susceptible to one illness or more during his/her lifetime. No matter how careful you are, how healthwise you are, how you manage your lifestyle, you will definitely fall sick one day.

When you are sick, the good thing is to know the right treatment for you. Orthodox medicines have proven to be very effective in treating our illnesses.

However, herbal remedies are also effective in treating various kinds of sicknesses and have been in use for ages.

This book is a must for everyone as it contains 50 illnesses and their home/herbal remedies.

In this book, you'll learn how you can use herbs, fruits and shrubs to treat various kinds of illnesses, about 50 of them.

I recommend you buy this book for now and future purpose when you or someone close to you might fall sick and you want to treat it with just herbal/home remedies,


Get unripe pawpaw, unripe pineapple, ginger, lime orange and Lipton tea. Cut into pieces,

boil with fermented corn water for one hour. Take one glass cup

3 times daily for one week. The ailment will disappear.


Get 7-8 unripe plantain, peel them, cut them to pieces and pound.

Put everything inside a plastic container, fill it with one gallon of water. Allow it to ferment for three days. Take one cup 2 times a day for one week. The ailment will disappear.


Baby cold is characterized by constant running nose, fever and general

malaise. The following are several ways you could treat baby cold

using home remedies.



To cure baby cold, take one lady finger, slice into smaller pieces,

boil with a cup of water and steep for ten minutes. Then allow to come

to room temperature and give small quantities to the affected baby.


You could use garlic to treat baby cold because is an antibacterial

agent and helps to kill bacteria that causes the cold.

Prepare a tea of garlic by adding chopped pieces of 2 cloves of garlic

to one cup of boiling water. Steep for ten minutes and allow it to

come to room teperature. Then give it to the affected baby in small

quantities all through the day. You should add a teaspoon of honey if

your baby is older than six months.


Eucalyptus oil can be used to treat baby cold as home remedies by

adding a drop of the oil to a dispenser and then let the baby inhale

the fumes for a few minutes. This remedy is very effective in treating

cold, cough and chest congestion in babies.


Honey is an excellent home remedy to treat baby cold. All you have to

do is to take a feeding bottle and fill half of it with warm water.

Then add half teaspoon of honey and give it to the baby to drink.

Doing this twice per day will help to keep baby cold at bay.

Note: honey is not recommended for babies less than one year.


Ginger is also an excellent home remedy against baby cold. You can use

ginger to treat baby cold by adding five grams of ginger to one cup of

boiling water. Steep for ten minutes and add half a teaspoon of honey.

Leave it until it reaches room temperature, fill half a bottle and

give it to the affected baby.


Get 5 seeds of English pear

(Avocado pear),cut into pieces and dry under the sun, grind to

powder. Mix with a glass of honey to form paste. Take one

spoon,3 times daily until the 6 days.


Take three teaspoons of salt and one teaspoon of

sugar, add half spoon of dry gin. Drink all as a single dose. The

cholera will stop immediately.


A. Get 4 seeds of English pear

(Avocado pear), cut into pieces, dry under the sun and grind into

powder. Put a teaspoon of this powder into your prepared palp

and drink. Once daily for 2 weeks.

B. Home/herbal remedy for high blood pressure : beetroot

I once wrote an article where i discuss in details how beetroot can help in reducing and cont

rolling high blood pressure.

Beetroot is a popular home, fruit or herbal remedy for high blood pressure. If your blood pressure is high, then beetroot might be good for you. This is because, It contains nitrate, which is converted into nitric acid when we eat it. This makes the muscular walls of the blood vessels relax and decrease blood pressure.


You can get it roasted in chunks, drink it as a juice and you can also grated raw in a salad.

7. 10 Top Herbal Recipes For Treating Prostrate Enlargement

Peel pawpaw and green pineapple, soak them in water before boiling for thirty minutes. Half a glass is to be taken every morning.

Grind the root of securidaca longepedunculata and the stem of sugarcane with Trona. Squeeze out the juice and filter into a bottle. A glass is to be taken daily.

Dried seeds of Chrysophyllum albidum (Agbalumo) are ground into powder and dissolved in the juice obtained from Musanga cecropioides. A cup of the preparation is taken once daily.

Bitter kolas are ground with Trona and the derived powder is then added to the lime juice.  Two small glasses of the preparation are to be taken.

 - Leaves of bamboo, unripe pineapple, leaves of spondias mombin, and leaves of portulaca oleraceae are put together in a pot, trona (kaun –Yoruba) is also added and the mixture is then boiled with water for about 35 minutes. Half a glass is to be taken once daily.

- Another recipe involved grinding dried seed of bitter kola into powder and mixing it with the latex from Opuntia dillenii. This is moulded into pills and air-dried. One pill is to be taken once in five days.

Grind three alligator pepper with the leaves of Abrus precatorius and Trona into powder. Take the seeds of Adenopus breviflorus and Calotropis procera burn them together and sieve the ashes. The obtained powder is then mixed together and dissolved in the coconut liquid.  Two small glasses of the preparation are to be taken frequently to ease urination.

Boil the root of Uvaria chamae with palm wine and water for about 35 minutes. A spoonful of the decoction is to be taken twice daily.

The fresh leaves of bitter leaf are squeezed in water. A glassful is to be taken four times daily.

Leaves of Grewia pubescens are thoroughly washed, boiled in clean water and allowed to cool. A glassful is to be taken three times daily.

B. List of 31 plant species used for the traditional management of prostrate enlargement BPH

List of 31 plant species used for the traditional management of prostrate enlargement BPH, included 1. Abrus precatorius (Oju ologbo); 2. Adenopus breviflorus (Tagiri); 3. Alligator Pepper (Atare); 4. pineapple; 5. bamboo leaves; 6. giant milk weed (Bomubomu); 7. chili pepper; 8. pawpaw; 9. african star apple (Agbalumo); 10. lime; 11. coconut;12.  kola nut; 13. sand paper leaf (Epin) 14.  bitter kola.15. Grewia pubescens (Afoforo); 16. Heliotropium indicum (Ogberi-akuko); 17. Ipomoea involucrate (Alukerese); 18. Jatropha curcas (physic nut, Botuje or lapalapa); 19. Jatropha gossypiifolia (wild cassava or Botuje pupa); 20. Musanga cecreopioides (umbrella tree or Aga); 21. Opuntia dillenii (prickly pear or Oro agogo);22.  leaves of Portulaca oleraceae (Esinsan-Omode) 23. sugarcane.24. Securidaca longepedunculata (violet tree or Ipeta); 25. Senna alata (candle bush or Asurun oyinbo); 26. Senna podocarpa (Asurun ijebu); 27. Sida acuta (broomweed or Isekotu); 28. leaves of Spondias mombin (hog plum or Iyeye); 29. Uvaria chamae (Eruju); 30. bitter leaf; and 31. Xylopia aethiopica (ethiopian pepper or Eeru).


Get about 10 pieces of bitter cola, grind to

powder, add half cup of original honey. Take 2 spoons thrice

daily for 4 days.


Get 20-23 pieces of bitter cola, ginger of equal quantity and 3 bulbs of garlic.

Grind everything and add a

bottle of original honey. Take one spoon thrice daily for one month.


A. Grind 6 bulbs of big onions, add one original bottle of honey. Take one spoon thrice daily for one month.

B. Get a handful of bitter leaf and scent leaves, squeeze out the water in them, add lime(orange)juice, grinded

garlic and small potash. Take half glass of it twice daily for one month.

C. How Tumeric Can Help To Control Diabetes

The problem of type 2 diabetes is increasing due to shortage of curcumin in the food we consumed.The patient of diabetes has the benefits of eating turmeric. Turmeric has antioxidant properties. It also has anti-inflammatory properties, which are helpful in increasing the production of insulin in the body. When there is more insulin in your body, then the blood sugar level will start decreasing. 

Diabetes patients can take turmeric milk before going to bed at night. It is good for their health, on the one hand, while it will strengthen bones, on the other hand, it will control diabetes and blood sugar level. If you want, you can also use cinnamon in it.Turmeric controls diabetes. It is a cure for every disease. Sugar levels can be controlled by consuming turmeric in diabetes. It has been proven by many researches.


Get 2 pieces of aloe-vera,cut into

pieces and put it in a container. Add one bottle of original honey

and a glass of water. Take half cup of it,2 times daily for one


12. 10 home remedies for acne

 Here are the best home remedies for acne, according to dermatologists.

1. Aspirin

Aspirin contains salicylic acid, which is also common in many topical acne products as an active ingredient. “Crush one aspirin in water and make a paste,” Debra Jaliman, a New York City based dermatologist and author of Skin Rules, told Health.com. She suggested applying the paste directly to the pimple using a cotton swab for up to 10 minutes. Warm water should then be used to clean the aspirin paste.

2. Egg whites

Jessica Krant, a board-certified dermatologist and assistant clinical professor of dermatology at SUNY Downstate Medical Center, said egg whites offer the protein and vitamins that could help tighten and draw oil out of the skin. She said putting egg whites on the areas affected by acne for 10 minutes could help unclog pores and reduce inflammation. “Egg whites are an age-old beauty secret,” Krant said. 

3. Banana and orange peel

Both Krant and Jaliman suggested rubbing the peel on the affected skin for 5 to 10 minutes to improve the skin's all-over appearance. “Banana peel applied with the inside layer against the skin has been a reported cure for plantar warts on the soles of the feet, so there's reason to think it may be helpful applied to pimples,” Krant said. Jaliman also explained that orange peel contains vitamin C, which works to boost skin regeneration.

4. Aloe

Aloe has burn-relieving properties that can promote healing, fight infection and reduce scarring, according to Reader's Digest. Simply apply the gel from the plant on the acne-affected areas.

5. Lemon juice

Jaliman said lemon juice contains citric acid and L-ascorbic acid that serve as a natural astringent and antioxidant. To reduce acne, use a cotton ball to apply the juice on the pimples. Jaliman said it is better to leave it on overnight for better effects. 

6. Garlic

“It has mild antiseptic and antibacterial properties, which may help when applied topically, and garlic in the diet is extremely healthy, with both anti-cancer and anti-clotting properties,” Krant said. Jaliman added that crushed garlic also delivers an antibacterial compound, called allicin, to the skin.

7. Honey

The skin experts suggest using raw, organic Manuka honey instead of regular honey. “Manuka honey has been shown to aid in wound-healing with its antiseptic and anti-inflammatory properties,” Krant said. “Regular honey may help, but it's not as proven medically.” Leave the honey for five minutes on the skin and use warm water to rinse off.

 8. Potatoes 

Potatoes are known to be anti-inflammatory and antiseptic and contain niacin, which may help lighten acne marks. Apply shredded white potato to the skin like a mask and massage the affected area for two minutes.

9. Mint

According to NurseBuff, mint could help treat acne due to its high amount of salicylic acid, which helps loosen dead skin cells to make them easier to shed. Mint also has vitamins A and C and omega-3 fatty acids, as well as antioxidants, which could help improve skin health. Apply crushed mint leaves with honey on the affected areas for about 20 minutes and use warm water to clean the paste. 

10. Ice

Ice is the easiest to find and use among other home remedies for acne. Ice simply reduces inflammation in a pimple. “Wrap an ice cube in a wash cloth and hold it on the pimple for a minute,” Jaliman said. “It will vasoconstrict the blood vessels and take down the redness and swelling.” 


Get the leaves of pawpaw, scent leaves and bitter leaves, squeeze out the water. Take half cup twice daily for 4 days.

14. 5 home remedies that a person can try to ease a cold

People can try a drink or recipe that contains additional anti-inflammatory ingredients to soothe and ease symptoms of a cold and could and to prevent further complications. Apple cider vinegar may be effective against cold symptoms in some people that might prefer to take a natural remedy rather than medication for a cold.

The following is a list of different home remedies that a person can try to ease a cold.

1. Garlic

Garlic contains an active ingredient called allicin. This compound is antimicrobial and may help prevent the common cold, although research is limited.People can add garlic to cooking and salad dressings, or chop it raw into a spoonful of honey for a sore throat.

2. Curcumin

Curcumin is the anti-inflammatory ingredient in the spice turmeric. Research in human cells and mice suggests that this component could help treat viral infections.People can make a soothing tea by grating some fresh root or a half teaspoon of dried spice into hot water. Try adding some cinnamon and honey to sweeten.

3. Nasal irrigation

Nasal irrigation is a traditional remedy for upper respiratory tract infections. It involves irrigating the nose with either saltwater or isotonic solution.Research indicates it reduces the number of microbes in the respiratory tract by flushing out the mucous lining and having a positive effect on the cells.

The neti pot is the traditional means of administration. However, scientific evidence for nasal irrigation is poor. It is best to use distilled water and clean the neti pot carefully as it can grow mold and bacteria.

4. Echinacea

Echinacea could help reduce the incidence and length of a cold, and the need for further medication, according to research. People can take it as a herbal tincture, cough syrup, or tablet.

5. Ginger

An article in the International Journal of Preventive Medicine suggests that ginger has anti-inflammatory properties, which may help to soothe colds, coughs, and sore throats. A person can add it to a warm drink or a fresh juice.

Important note:Before trying a new remedy or herbal product, check with a medical professional to ensure that it will not interact with other medications or health conditions.

Pregnant women and children should also avoid herbal preparations unless they seek professional advice.


Get 4-5 cola, ginger and garlic , cut them in pieces .

Mix it with lime orange juice.

Take 2 spoons daily for 3 days.


Get some corn silk, boil with lime orange juice.

Drink half cup of it daily for one week and also embark on physical exercise.


Mix a native soap with ground potash, add lime orange. Apply the mixture after bath.


Get 3-4 pieces of cola, ginger and garlic, cut into pieces. Mix everything with lime orange juice. Take 2 spoons daily until, it is over.


Get some quantity of dry pawpaw leaves and cashew leaves, boil with water and drink half cup daily for one week.


INTERNAL HEAT is a condition or health problem in which the victim will be having abnormal high body temperature.


Herbal remedy 1

Use mistletoe tea or green tea

Herbal remedy 2

Material: cashew leaves and pawpaw leaves.

Preparation: boil cashew and pawpaw leaves together.

Usage: drink 2 cups twice daily, morning and night.


Add 3 spoons of honey into a glass cup of milk.

Take all at bedtime for one week.


Insomnia which is known as sleeplessness can be described as a situation where the victim is unable to sleep in the night or any other time.

Lack of sleep could lead to several diseases since the body usually recovers well during sleep and hormones that are good for the body are released during sleep.



Material: avocado pear seeds, water, mistletoe flower.

Preparation: cut avocado seeds into pieces, dry, grind to powder, add mistletoe flower, add water and boil together for atleast one hour.

Usage: drink a warm cup in the morning in an empty stomach before eating and at night before sleep.


Material: aloe vera gel and honey

Preparation: add about 35cl of honey to 5 teaspoons of aloe vera gels.

Usage: drink 2 teaspoons daily before you sleep in the night


Material: mistletoe tea or green tea and honey.

Preparation: add 2 teaspoons of honey to mistletoe or green tea.

Usage: drink before breakfast and before bedtime


Grind 12 bulbs of onions and 12 bulbs of garlic together. Get 3 bottles of honey, mix together.

Take 2 spoons thrice daily for 2 weeks.


You can only relieve migraine since it is inherited and you cannot change the nervous system.

Ways you could relieve migraine include

1. Identify foods or events that trigger attacks

2. Have a proper and regular pattern of sleep and sleep enough.

3. Avoid skipping food or going hungry for long period.

4. Avoid stress

5. Listen to soft music

6. Find ways to relax


1. Sleep properly and enough. Sleep is one of the best and possible remedies or treatments for migraine.

2. There are many new and improved migraine medications that may relieve sufferers.

3. Report your migraine condition to doctors as they often treat it effectively.


Get a mixture of lime juice and honey; let it be of equal quantity.

The child should take one teaspoon twice daily until the problem is over.


Get large quantity of guava leaves, pound, add water and filter.

Drink one glass cup thrice per day for 1 week. As you are taking that, eat carrot and cucumber daily for 2 weeks.


Get 3 bulbs of Okro, slice them; get the dry seed of it, ferment everything with soda water for 2 days.

Take half cup daily for one week.


Get 6 bulbs of white onions, grind and extract the juice.

Mix the juice with honey.

Take 2 spoons thrice daily for one week.


Get 3 pieces of bitter cola, some ginger and garlic, grind and add lime juice .

Take 2 spoons twice daily for one week.


Get one onion, small garlic and ginger, grind all.

Mix with palm kernel oil. Give the child to drink and use the mixture as cream for the child.


Rub the affected the area with pure honey daily.


Get one bottle of olive oil and one bottle of honey.

Mix together and warm it for few minutes. Use the mixture to wash your hair.


Grind bird pepper, unripe pawpaw seed and mix with lime orange juice.

Use the mixture to rub the head, hair will start growing in the affected area.


Eat about 20 pieces of unripe palm kernel seeds everyday for about two months.


Get some quantity of pumpkin leaves and

garden egg leaves, squeeze out the liquid, add milk. Drink it for

three days; your blood will be boosted.


Apply the aloe-vera gel to the affected eyes every night until the problem is over.


A. Eat small. quantity of ginger continuously for one week.

B. 4 ways to use apple cider vinegar for sore throat

Apple cider vinegar is an effective and working home remedy to fight sore throat because it contains several properties that can help you fight sore throat. If you have sore throat, you can try any of the four suggested ways of using apple cider vine

4 ways to use apple cider vinegar for sore throat

1. Add one tablespoon of apple cider vinegar to a mug of warm water. After mixing properly add 2 tablespoons of honey to it. Drink this mixture once a day. It may help you fight cough as well.2. Another way you can use apple cider vinegar to treat sore throat is to simply mix a tablespoon of apple cider vinegar to a tall glass of warm water and drink it once a day.3. Also, you can mix apple cider vinegar with cinnamon and other kitchen ingredients to prepare a powerful mixture to fight sore throat. To do this, In a cup of warm water, add one tablespoon of apple cider vinegar, one tablespoon cinnamon, one tablespoon honey and one tablespoon lemon. Drink this as a tea or gargle with this mixture.

4. Yes, another way you can use apple cidar vinegar to treat sore throat is to mix it with saltwater. You can mix one tablespoon of apple cider vinegar in saltwater for gargle. Make sure that the water is warm.

Important Note:Always dilute it by adding water to it and NEVER drink apple cider vinegar straight.  If you experience severe symptoms of sore throat and other issues, seek medical help immediately.


Get some okro bulbs, cut it into pieces and pound.

Add small water and honey and drink thrice in a day.

37. 8 Herbal Remedies For Malaria

1. Ginger

A original and widespread remedy for malaria is the usage of ginger; happily, ginger is easy to get and can be boiled down right into a strong decoction on the way to enhance your immune system and help speed up the restoration approach after an illness. Ginger has energetic ingredient gingerol, and its detailed hydrocarbons are identified for their anti-inflammatory and antibacterial routine within the physique, making it one of the vital effective natural remedies.

2. Grapefruit

There is a powerful substance in grapefruit, much like quinine, which has been linked to neutralizing malaria-inducing parasites. You can extract this substance as a main dose or add some scrumptious grapefruit to your weight loss plan. Grapefruits are broadly available in tropical areas and can do wonders in total wellbeing and fast healing.

3. Cinnamon

One of the crucial pleasant methods to eliminate malaria is to deal with its symptoms, particularly fever, headache, and diarrhea. Cinnamon is an herbal remedy, as it could possibly help fortify multiple symptoms. Cinnamon has a powerful natural and organic element, cinnamaldehyde, which has anti-inflammatory properties and has been linked to a reduction in malaria severe and painful symptoms.

4. Citrus Fruits

Citrus fruits, often, are typically encouraged for the treatment of malaria. The antioxidant compounds, nutrients, and minerals in them can get rid of fever, prevent the spread of the illness, and pace up the healing approach. Mixing just a few drops of lime and an absolutely squeezed lemon into a pitcher of water is a general technique or you can simply take a chew of these healthy fruits!

5. Fever Nut

Fever nut is a preferred herbal relief for malaria, as the seeds of this nut include robust active constituents that may heal your fever and raise the immune system. When a fever breaks, it's basically the first step closer to restoration, and fever nut (as its name implies) has been helping men and women live on against malaria for hundreds and hundreds of years.

6. Holy Basil

To scale down the signs and severity of malaria, folks have turn to holy basil for decades; eugenol is its lively ingredient, and is basically liable for its therapeutic properties, serving to to do away with bacterial infections. Distinct constituents of this plant are used for dozens of Ayurvedic remedies, making it highly important in Asian countries that handle many cases of malaria.

7. Orange Juice

Orange is often called an exquisite immune system booster and is also effective n treating malaria. Considering, it is difficult to eat while affected by malaria, many humans choose to go on a water and orange juice , to hold the body hydrated and promote a targeted attack on the contamination. The antioxidant and immune-approach boosting effects of vitamin C are more commonly enough to kick-start the healing process.

8. Warm Water Enema

Malaria may additionally infect the bowels, which is why diarrhea is a fashioned symptom, so it's important to hold the bowels clean, and no longer furnish a new situation for the parasite to thrive. A warm water enema can hold the bowels smooth, while additionally reducing inflammation and pain experience malaria.

38. 10 Home Remedies For Toothache

Toothache also known as abscess tooth is very painful and disturbing. If you or anyone close to you have toothache, the following home/herbal remedies can help to provide relief.

Top 10 herbal/home remedies for toothache

1. Garlic

One of the herb that can be used to treat tooth ache is garlic. This is because garlic has anti-inflammatory and natural antibiotic properties that make it highly effective for treating toothache. Garlic is readily available in most kitchen and if not in your kitchen, you could get it in the nearest foodstuff shop or market.

Garlic is blessed with numerous health and medicinal properties. This make it possible for it to relieve pain and prevent the spread of the infection.


1. Put a fresh garlic clove in your mouth and crush it with your teeth. Chew it until the pain subsides. Spit it out and rinse your mouth with warm water. To reduce the residual odor, you can add a few drops of clove oil to the warm water.

2. Second option is to mix ½ teaspoon of garlic powder with a pinch of table salt and apply it directly on the affected tooth. Allow it to sit for 10 minutes, then rinse your mouth with mouthwash.

3. You can also rub garlic oil on the affected tooth.

4. Repeat any of these remedies 3 or 4 times a day for a few weeks.

2. Oil Pulling Abscessed tooth or toothache can be very disturbing. Oil pulling, an ancient Ayurvedic practice, is also of the home remedy that can be used to treat an abscessed tooth or painful gums. This is possible because oil pulling helps reduce the amount of bacteria present in the mouth. It also helps to remove toxins from the mouth and from the entire body, which promotes both oral and overall health.

If you are suffering from abscessed tooth or you know someone suffering from it, the following steps will help to get relief from tooth pain using oil pulling.


Put 1 tablespoon of extra-virgin coconut oil in your mouth.

Swish the oil inside your mouth for at least 15 minutes. Do not swallow it.

After 15 minutes, spit it out and rinse your mouth with warm water.

Repeat the process twice daily for about a month for positive results.

 Do this on an empty stomach.

OIL pulling is an ancient and effective home remedy for treating toothache. It works then and is still working today. So, anytime you are having tooth abscess, try the steps above to use oil pulling as home remedy to get relief from the pain associated with cavity, and all forms of tooth decay causing pain

3. Clove

Anyone that has experience any form of dental pain will agree with me that it is very painful. Finding a medicine that can relief the pain is the number one aim of the victim and finding one especially home or herbal remedy is relieving. One of the best home or herbal remedies for any kind of dental issue, including an abscessed tooth is clove.

This is because clove has antiseptic, analgesic and antibacterial properties that can help alleviate toothache, inflammation and soreness in the gums.


1. Dip a cotton ball in clove oil and hold it on the painful area for a few minutes. 

2. Another option is to place a whole clove between your infected tooth and your cheek. Chew it from time to time to release its juice. Allow the juice to remain in your mouth for at least 30 minutes. Then rinse your mouth with warm water.

If you are suffering from abscessed tooth, I recommend using clove as herbal remedy to get relief from such pain.

4. Black Tea Bag

Another efficient and effective way to treat toothache is a black tea bag . This is another good home remedy for an abscessed tooth. This is possible because black tea bag has tannins that help reduce pain and inflammation. Black tea bag also have antioxidants that help fight infection and promote good oral health.


Soak a black tea bag in warm water for a few minutes.

Remove it from the water, wring it out and put the tea bag on the affected tooth.

Leave it there for few hours or overnight.

Rinse your mouth with a warm salt-water solution.

Repeat once daily for a couple of weeks.

5. Hydrogen Peroxide

Another home remedy that can help to relief toothache is hydrogen peroxide. This is possible because it has disinfectant and antibacterial properties that help kill the bacteria that cause toothache.

Hydrogen perixide can also help to alleviate inflammation and pain. Only  3-percent hydrogen peroxide solution can help get rid of yellow teeth, for oral health, and use food grade.


1. Mix 2 teaspoons of hydrogen peroxide with 1 tablespoon of warm water. Use this solution to rinse your mouth and spit it out completely. Follow this remedy 3 times a week.

2. Mix 1 teaspoon of baking soda with enough hydrogen peroxide (about 1/2 teaspoon) to make a paste. Apply this paste on the affected area for a couple of minutes and then rinse your mouth thoroughly with warm water.

3. Repeat this remedy a few times a week until you get result.

6. Apple Cider Vinegar

Another effective home remedy for an abscessed tooth is apple cider vinegar. This is possible because it has anti-inflammatory and disinfectant properties that help reduce pain and inflammation while disinfecting the affected area.


1. Put 1 tablespoon of raw, unfiltered apple cider vinegar in your mouth for a few minutes. Spit it out completely, being sure not to swallow it. Rinse your mouth with warm water. Repeat this process a few times a day.

2. The second option is to mix 1 teaspoon of raw, unfiltered apple cider vinegar in a glass of water and drink it twice daily.

7. Salt Water

Salt is readily available at most home and is another home remedy for relieving toothache. If you have developed toothache or tooth decay before, someone might have introduced sait to you as a means of relieving yourself from the pain associated with tooth decay. Salt is able to alleviate toothache because it has antiseptic and antibacterial properties that can help reduce inflammation, ease pain, draw out any infection and can prevent the survival of bacteria in the mouth.


Add 1 teaspoon of salt or refined salt to a glass of lukewarm water. Mix it until the salt dissolves completely.

Rinse your mouth with this solution.

Do this 2 or 3 times a day to clear the infection and reduce discomfort and pain.

8. Turmeric

Tumeric is an herb that is useful for many diseases. Tumeric can relief  and heal toothache because it is rich in antibiotic, antiseptic and anti-inflammatory properties. Tumerics can help reduce pain and inflammation caused by an abscessed tooth. It also promotes oral health.


1. Mix 1 teaspoon of turmeric powder with a little water to make a paste. After brushing your teeth, apply the paste directly on the affected area. Allow it to sit for 15 to 20 minutes, then rinse it off with warm water.

2. Another method is to mix 1 teaspoon of salt and ½ teaspoon of turmeric powder in a glass of lukewarm water. Use it to rinse your mouth a few times daily.

3. Third option is to mix ¼ teaspoon of turmeric powder with 1 teaspoon of olive or mustard oil. Apply this mixture on the affected area. Allow it to sit for 15 minutes before rinsing your mouth with warm water.

4, Repeat any of these remedies many times daily until you get result.

Oregano Oil

Oregano oil is another home/herbal remedy to heal abscessed tooth. Oregano oil can perform this function because it contains antibacterial and antioxidant properties, making it a good remedy for an abscessed tooth. It also boosts immunity and helps the body fight tooth infections and speed up the healing process.


1. Put a few drops of oregano oil directly on the affected tooth and gums and leave it for at least 15 minutes.

2. Prepare a mouthwash by mixing 3 to 5 drops of oregano oil in ¼ cup of warm water. Swish this solution in your mouth for about 10 minutes, then spit it out completely.

3. Repeat the remedies above 3 or 4 times a day.

10. Peppermint

According to the people who have used peppermint to relief pain from abscess tooth, they said it works like a miracle. This is due to the fsct that oregano oil has antibacterial and anti-inflammatory properties that help reduce inflammation as well as prevent the spread of infection.


1. Scrub a few drops of peppermint oil on the affected area using your fingertips for a couple of minutes.

2. You can extract fresh peppermint juice from the leaves and apply it on the affected tooth.

3. Repeat these remedies a few times daily until you get result.


Chicken pox can be described as an infection caused by virus. Symptoms

in adults include loss of appetite, headache, fever and aching muscles. Chicken pox starts with a skin rash in the body and the head

and also ulcers in the oral cavity and the tonsil areas. There is no real cure for chicken pox but the symptoms could be gradually removed through medications.


1. GINGER: You can reduce itching caused by chickenpox by adding

ginger powder to warm water. You can also crush the ginger, boil it in

water, strain and then drink.


You can cure chickenpox by preparing an herbal solution of chamomile, Holy basil and lemon balm and drink it regularly.


You can effectively treat chickenpox by regularly and consistently apply raw honey to the rashes.


Add one tablespoon of marigold flower and hazel leaves in a cup of

water and soaked overnight. Then grind it to make a paste and keep

applying on the rashes.


Cut carrot into pieces and boil in water. Strain and allow to cool.

This is called ' carrot coriander soup'. Drinking the soup once in a day has been proven to be very beneficial and effective in treating chickenpox.


Get some seeds of mango, cut it into pieces and keep under the sun to dry. Grind to powder.

Put one spoon of the powder into a glass cup of water, stir it and drink. Once in a day for 3-4 weeks .


Get a handful of garlic, grind to extract the juice. Drink a spoon and use the juice to rub the chest and back.


Get some leaves of Cochorus Olitorus(Vegetable Leaf), squeeze out the water and give it to the woman under hard labour. She will deliver the baby instantly.

43. Home/herbal remedy: How to cure you child fever with basil

One of the most effective herb for bringing down a fever in children is basil.

This is because it has antibiotic and antibacterial properties that can help get rid of the bacteria that may be causing the fever. Basil is also known to boosts the immune system, which is important for the overall well being and healing process.


1. Put a handful of basil leaves in 2 cups of water. Boil it until the solution is reduced to half. Then add a little honey and give it to your child, a few times a day.

2. Another method is to give your child some thoroughly washed basil leaves to chew. The chewing should be done at regular intervals.

3. Also, you can extract the juice from 5 to 7 basil leaves, then add a pinch of freshly ground black pepper and give it to your child 2 or 3 times a day until the fever is gone.

44. Home remedy for high cholesterol : pears

Cholesterol is a health condition that can be life threatening. The problem is that it will be hard to know that it is cholesterol that is affecting your health unless you do test for cholesterol.

However, if you are suffering from cholesterol, soluble fibre, like pectin found in pears, can reduce the absorption of LDL or ‘bad’ cholesterol into your bloodstream. Pectin binds with cholesterol and helps carry it out of the body before it does you any damage. The recommended average daily intake is 18g and a pear contains about 3.5g of fibre.

45. 16 herbs and their usefulness

1. Bilberry - may improve circulation, repairs veins

2.  Ginseng - general tonic, may boost energy

3. Garlic - lowers cholesterol, may help prevent cancer

4. Gingko biloba - antioxidant, may improve circulation and memory

5.Green tea - antioxidant and tonic

6. Milk thistle - may repair liver cells

7. Turmeric - antioxidant

8. Bilberry - hardening of the arteries, poor night vision

9. St John's wort - mild depression

10. Evening primrose oil - omega-3 deficiencies

11. Feverfew - migraines

12. Garlic - hardening of the arteries, high cholesterol, high blood pressure

13. Ginkgo biloba - memory loss, tinnitus, macular degeneration

14. Milk thistle - liver problems

15. Saw palmetto - prostate enlargement

16. Cranberry - urinary tract infections

46. Natural/herbal remedy for anxiety

Some professionals that use their voice to make money such as musicians and actors said that eating bananas before a performance can calm the nerves. This is possible because bananas are full of tryptophan, an amino acid that helps produce melatonin and serotonin, hormones that promote feelings of calmness. Bananas are also high in potassium, which can help to regulate blood pressure — which is often raised if you’re anxious. The potassium in bananas also makes them a great hangover cure – basically they’re one of the best natural remedies ever!

47. Home/herbal remedy for treating nausea: ginger

Ginger is a home /herbal remedy that is good for several health issues. It is also a good remedy to treat nausea. For instance, A study of 2 000 naval cadets found that those who were given one gram of ginger root suffered less seasickness and fewer cold sweats than the group given a placebo.

This is possible because the active ingredients, gingerol and shogaol, inhibit the part of the brain that controls vomiting. 

In order to curb motion or morning sickness, it is recommended chopping or grating 2cm of fresh ginger to use in cooking or made into tea. Thus is will help to fight the nausea and give you relief.

48. Herbal/home remedy for treating constipation: pure olive oil

Pure olive oil is is a natural remedy for many kind of ailments because it is more than just a healthy fat.

It is also a good home remedy for constipation as its textur

e and consistency are a perfect home remedy for relieving constipation.


Take a tablespoon of olive oil and lemon juice in the morning before you eat anything else. This will help to  stimulate your digestive system, which helps get things moving around your colon. If you want to prevent constipation, then take it regularly.

49. 20 Home remedies for acid reflux or GERD

Acid reflux is a condition when stomach acid gets heighten into the esophagus, which is the tube that carries food and drink from the mouth to the stomach.Though, most reflux is totally normal and harmless, usually causing no symptoms. But when it happens repeatedly, it burns the inside of the esophagus.Acid reflux is so common that an estimated 14–20% of all adults in the US have reflux in some form or another.

20 Home remedies for acid reflux

1. Avoid raw onionSome people experience worsened heartburn and other reflux symptoms after eating raw onion.

2. Apple Cider Vinegar

Apple cider vinegar is without doubt one of the most effective home or herbal cures for acid reflux. It aids digestion and helps steadiness acid creation within the belly.


1. Mix one to 2 teaspoons of organic raw, unfiltered apple cider vinegar in a cup of warm water.

Drink it 20 min to half-hour before consuming a meal.

Do that repeatedly, at least for a few months.

2. You can also drink apple cider vinegar mixed in water when heartburn strikes.

3. Baking Soda

Baking soda, also known as sodium bicarbonate, is a normal antacid that presents fast remedy from heartburn, probably the most common symptom of acid reflux disorder.


1. Mix one-half of to one teaspoon of baking soda in a cup of water.

Drink it quickly for immediate relief.

2. Continuous ingestion of baking soda shouldn't be encouraged. Additionally, people who have excessive blood pressure must avert taking baking soda because it includes sodium.

4. Aloe Vera Juice

As a result of its cure and anti-inflammatory properties, aloe vera helps soothe inflammation in the belly and esophagus to convey relief from the effects of acid reflux disease.


Easily drink one-quarter cup of aloe vera juice about 20 minutes previous to eating a meal.

2. Don't take aloe vera in extra due to the fact that it may have a laxative influence.

5. Avoid Mint, If NeededThough, peppermint and spearmint are common herbs used to flavor foods, candy, chewing gum, mouthwash and toothpaste and are also popular ingredients in herbal teas. One study shows that high doses of spearmint may worsen acid reflux symptoms, presumably by irritating the inside of the esophagus.The best is to notice maybe mint makes your heartburn worse, and then avoid it.A few studies show that mint may aggravate heartburn and other reflux symptoms, but the evidence is limited.

6. Chewing Gum

according to a knowledge published in the Journal of Dental research, chewing a section of sugar-free gum for approximately half-hour after a meal can support relieve symptoms of gastroesophageal reflux sickness.

It stimulates creation of saliva, which in flip washes away acid amassed within the intestine. Being alkaline, saliva also helps neutralize belly acids.

There is nothing bad if you have sugar-free chewing gum after meals to ease your acid reflux disease. That you can also recollect chewing a cinnamon gum, but avoid mint-flavored gums as mint relaxes the scale back esophageal sphincter, which contributes to the reflux of belly acids into the meals pipe.

7. Licorice Root

Another home remedy for acid reflux is licorice root. Why? Licorice root is useful for acid reflux due to its belly-therapy properties.

It soothes the mucus membranes and protects the lining of the gut, which reduces gastric infection and decreases gastric spasms.


1. Boil one-half teaspoon of licorice root powder in a cup of water. Pressure and drink it 15 to 20 minutes before meals. Use this remedy two or thrice a day for one week.

2. However, you can take one or two four hundred mg chewable DGL (Deglycyrrhizinated licorice) drugs before foods, two or 3 times a day. Continue for no less than just few weeks. You would be able to get this natural complement from most typical meals outlets.

3. It is advisable to consult your doctor before taking this herb.

8. Yellow Mustard

Yellow mustard is an extra fashionable dwelling alleviation for acid reflux disorder because it helps neutralize belly acid. The vinegar content in this meals is a susceptible acid that lowers the pH of belly acid.


1. When acid reflux disease strikes, eat one teaspoon of plain yellow mustard for on the spot remedy. If it is too strong for you, mix with a pitcher of water.

Caution: mustard could make heartburn worse for some people.

9. Fennel

Fennel is incredibly beneficial for making improvements to digestion and suppressing stomach spasms. It has a compound referred to as anethole that helps calm spasms within the gastrointestinal tract and has anti-inflammatory effects.


1. Easily chunk one-half of teaspoon of fennel seeds after foods.

2. Alternatively, that you could boil one teaspoon of fennel seeds in a cup of water. Let it steep for 10 minutes after which you strain it. Drink it two or three times a day for just a few days.

10.  Slippery Elm

Slippery elm has demulcent houses that help coat the esophagus and the liner of the stomach. Plus, it has soothing and anti inflammatory effects.

Mix two tablespoons of powdered slippery elm bark in two cups of hot water.

Let it steep for about 5 minutes.

Drink it three times a day unless you see improvement.

11. Marshmallow

Another effective home remedy for acis reflux is marshmallow. This is because Marshmallow has soothing and demulcent houses. Being excessive in mucilage, it protects the mucosal lining of the belly and esophagus.


1. Add two tablespoons of dried marshmallow root to 1 quart (4 cups) of water.

Let it sit in a single day.

The following morning, pressure out the herb.

Drink this a couple of times a day till your condition improves.

12. Cumin

Cumin seeds can aid care for acid reflux disease as they stimulate digestion and decrease digestive disorders like acidity and fuel.


Boil one teaspoon of cumin seeds in a cup of water. Let it steep for 5 minutes after which pressure it. Drink this tea in the morning and after meals for a few days or except you detect improvement.


You can additionally add this spice to meals while cooking.

8 Lifestyles That Could Prevent & Control Acid Reflux

13. Consuming a crimson delicious apple or a number of almonds after ingredients can aid preclude the onset of acid reflux disease.

14. Incorporate probiotic foods akin to yogurt on your weight-reduction plan.

15. Don't devour heavy foods, close to bedtime.

16. Try to lose extra weight.

17. Try to investigate what triggers your acid reflux disease. Most normal triggers are cigarette smoking; consuming alcohol, carbonated drinks or coffee; consuming chocolate, citrus fruits, onions, garlic, and spicy, fried or fatty foods.

18. Elevate the pinnacle of your bed by means of four to 6 inches to inhibit reflux while you might be dozing.

19. Additionally, sleep on your left facet. Reports indicate that sound sleep on the right side could worsen acid reflux disease issues.

20.  There is limited evidence that chocolate worsens reflux symptoms. However, few studies suggest it might, but more research is needed to prove that it can.

50. 10 Herbal Remedies For Blood Shortage

These days millions of people throughout the world are suffering from anemia, which is a condition whereby the body’s red blood

cell count is less than normal.

When you are anemic, your blood

(red blood cells contain hemoglobin, an iron-based protein that helps blood cells carry oxygen) will not be able to supply the proper oxygen supply to your organs and tissues.



Guinea corn leaves which is known as poroporo oka baba in Yoruba language is also a good remedy for blood shortage or anemia. It is widely use as remedy to quickly supply blood to the body.


Boil the leaves with water. The red/blood-like solution can either be drinking alone or mix with milk to get optimum result. Poroporo okababa is popular in Western Nigeria as an ideal solution for anemia.

2. Beetroot

If you or anyone you know is suffering from anemia due to deficiency of iron, then Beetroot which is high in iron, fiber, calcium, potassium, sulfur and vitamins will be highly beneficial for you.

Beetroot is also a cleansing agent as it helps to cleanse the body and supply more oxygen throughout the body and thus increase the body’s red blood cell level.


Blend one medium-size beetroot, three carrots and one-half of a sweet potato in a juicer. Drink this juice once daily.


 Beetroots can also be used to treat anemia by eating as a cooked vegetable or in a salad. It is recommended to be eating beetroot along with the peel for optimum benefits.

3. Blackstrap Molasses

Blackstrap molasses is also recommended for anybody suffering from anemia as it contains nutrients that are good for proper production and circulation of blood.

Blackstrap molasses is a good source of iron, B vitamins and other essential minerals that help increase red blood cell production.


You can use a tablespoon of blackstrap molasses daily as it supplies almost 15 percent of your daily iron needs.


Mix one tablespoon of blackstrap molasses in a cup of hot water or milk. Then drink this once or twice daily. This drink is highly beneficial for pregnant women.


Another way to use it is to mix two teaspoons each of blackstrap molasses and apple cider vinegar in one cup of water. Drink this once daily.

4. Spinach

Science prove that a diet like spinach which is rich in green leafy vegetables is one of the best home cures for anemia. This is because spinach is highly rich in iron as well as vitamin B12 and folic acid, and all needed nutrients that the body needs to recover from anemia.


Drink one-half cup of spinach everyday as it provides almost 35 percent of your daily value of iron and 33 percent of your daily value of folic acid.


Drink spinach soup twice daily. PREPARATION

Take 1 cup of blanched spinach and puree it by adding a little water. Heat 1 teaspoon of extra-virgin olive oil in a pan, sauté some chopped garlic cloves and onion in it until brown. Add the pureed spinach and a little salt and cook on low heat for 5 – 10 minutes. Mix two teaspoons of honey in a glass of fresh spinach juice. Drink this once daily for at least one month.

5. Pomegranate

Pomegranate helps to produce  more red blood cells and increase in the hemoglobin level because is rich in iron and other minerals, such as calcium and magnesium. Pomegranate also contains vitamin C, which helps improve the body’s absorption of iron.


Mix one cup of pomegranate juice, one-fourth teaspoon of cinnamon powder and two teaspoons of honey. Drink this daily with your breakfast.


Take two teaspoons of dried pomegranate seed powder with a glass of warm milk one or two times daily.

USAGE 2 Another usage is to eat a medium-size pomegranate every morning on an empty stomach.


I highly recommend this as a remedy for blood shortage because it really works and it works very fast. Just buy a tin of Malta Guinness or any malt and mix it with a tin of milk. Hardly you will see any home or herbal remedy for blood shortage or anemia that work so optimally.

7. Sesame Seeds

Sesame seeds are also recommended for treating  anemia because they are highly rich in iron content. One-fourth cup of sesame seeds provides almost 30 percent of the daily iron requirement.


Soak two tablespoons of black sesame seeds in water for two to three hours. Strain and make a paste of the soaked seeds. Add one tablespoon of honey and mix well.

Drink the paste two times daily.


Soak one teaspoon of black sesame seeds in warm water for two hours. Grind the mixture into a paste and then strain it to get the emulsion. Mix the emulsion in a cup of warm milk, add honey and drink it once daily.

8. Dates

Vitamin C is highly responsible for iron absorption.

Dates are a rich source of iron as well as vitamin C.


1. Soak two dates in a cup of milk overnight. The next morning, eat the dates and drink the milk on an empty stomach.

2. You can also eat some dry dates on an empty stomach in the morning, together with a cup of warm milk.

9. Apple

Apples help a lot in treating anemia because is highly rich in iron among other nutrients needed for proper blood manufacturing.


1. Eat at least one apple daily. If possible, opt for green apples and eat them with their skin.

2. Get fresh apples and beetroot. Mix equal parts of fresh apple juice and beetroot juice and a little honey. Drink this juice twice daily.

10. Banana

Banana is widely known to be highly rich in iron which help to stimulates the production of hemoglobin and many other enzymes that are essential for the formation of red blood cells. Also, it is a good source of magnesium that aids in hemoglobin synthesis.


Try eating fresh banana along with one tablespoon of honey twice daily.


Mix one mashed ripe banana and one tablespoon of Indian gooseberry (amla) juice. Make sure you eat this twice or thrice times daily.


According to the World Health Organization, men are anemic when they have less than 13 grams of hemoglobin per deciliter. While for women, it is less than 12 grams of hemoglobin per deciliter.


 Some of the conditions that may cause anemia includes HIV/AIDS, accidents/serious injury, heavy blood loss during menstruation, pregnancy, ulcers, intestinal disorders, inheritance, cancer, bleeding disorders, other chronic diseases, or a deficiency of iron, folic acid, vitamin B12.


The following symptoms may mean that you are anemic:  fatigue, pale skin, a fast or irregular heartbeat, shortness of breath, chest pain, dizziness, cognitive problems, headaches,cold hands and feet, lack of energy, hair loss and high or low blood pressure.
