The Way To Good Health

 Table of Contents

  • See the health benefits of drinking soaked bitter Kola in Bitter lemon for 3 days
  • Health benefits of drinking mixture of kola nuts, 7up and alligator pepper
  • These foods can help you against malaria parasite
  • Symptoms and remedies for Urinary Tract Infection
  • If You Have Cucumber In Your Home, You Are Lucky. See Eight (8) Things You Can Do With Cucumber
  • 8 symptoms that can occur a month (or even earlier) before a heart attack
  • Foods to avoid
  • 7 things you should never do on an empty stomach: Every one is a victim of number 4

See the health benefits of drinking soaked bitter Kola in Bitter lemon for 3 days

Garcinia kola (soutjr kola) additionally called African surprise nut, is a species of flowering plant 9life belonging to the own circle of relatives Guttiferae and grows in coastal rainforests withinside the South-Western and South-Eastern elements of Nigeria, and it additionally may be discovered in a few African countries, which includes Cameroon, Côte de Ivoire, Ghana, Liberia, Gabon, and some others 

Bitter kola is widely recognized for its medicinal benefits, because the seeds, nuts, and bark had been and are nonetheless getting used to deal with various ailments

This article talk about the health benefits of drinking soaked bitter Kola in Bitter v for 3 days.


Get about 5 pieces of bitter kola, peel it and wash thoroughly

. Get a bottle of bitter lemon, its available in most stores.

. put your bitter kola inside your bottle of lemon, slice into smaller pieces for easier penetration.

. Soak your bitter kola in your bitter lemon for 3 days.


Drink twice daily (morning and night)

Health benefits of drinking the mixture

. Treating malaria

. for weight loss

. for treating diabetes

. immunity

. erectile dysfunctions

. For pregnant women

And so on

Health benefits of drinking mixture of kola nuts, 7up and alligator pepper

As we in general know now, kola and gator pepper seperatly are too home developed meds. By and by imagine joining them two. For sure you got it done, the result will be mind blowing! 

As successfully portrayed out above in the title of this post the method for arranging is astoundingly fundamental and clear. 

You ought to just sprinkle 2 Seeds Of Bitter Kola and a little measure of crocodile pepper in 7up refreshment or sprite or terrible lemon whichever is open for about a day and thereafter drink in a perfect world morning and night for close to 7days. 

The noteworthy clarification behind this blend is to do an expansive inward cleansing of the stomach, liver and kidney, it will remove all the hazardous toxins and microorganisms and worm from your body. 

This Mixture is strong so benevolently don’t drive ensuing to taking it. That is the explanation I direction people to take it around night time before making a beeline for rest. 

It clears the stomach and Cures stomach torment, detachment of the guts and other stomach brokenness. In case anyone is feeling authentic stomach hurt give the individual 2 Spoons Of the super mix and withing minutes all the desolations would have been gone completely. 

If the individual needs to go to the can ensuing to taking the medicine let the individual go. 

It’s furthermore incredibly amazing for controlling circulatory strain and treating diabetes. 

As an additional direction you can nibble 1 seed of the serious kola to manage stomach torment. Incase if you don’t have the chance to set up this mix. Just hurl the serious kola seed and chomp bit by bit for close to 30mins and the misery will be no more. 

These foods can help you against malaria parasite

Malaria is one of the common sickness or disease that is affecting a lot of people in Africa toda80y. A times, malaria can affect a person intensively that it can take the health of a person. This is why one has to avoid malaria at all cost in order to preserve one’s life and live a healthy life.

One of the ways in which one can cure or prevent malaria is by eating some kind of food. These kind of food helps to cure malaria to some extent that is why one has to eat these kind of food when sick of malaria. 

Most people reading this article do not know the 3 foods to eat when sick of malaria but the good news is that this article will reveal to you the 3 foods one should eat when sick of malaria.

Some of them are listed below.

1. Eat nutritious foods:

Eating nutritious food helps to cure malaria as it will boost your immune system to fight against malaria in the body. Carbohydrates also will help in curing malaria as it will give strength when sick of malaria.

2. Drink a lot of water:

One has to drink a lot of water when sick of malaria because the water will help to flush out some toxins in the body. When a person is sick of malaria, it is somehow difficult to eat, so, drinking water helps to replace insufficient food in the body.

3. Eat a lot of protein:

One has to eat a lot of protein when sick of malaria because a lot of tissues may have been damaged as a result of malaria. Proteinous food helps to repair or replace the damaged cell.

These are the 3 foods to eat when sick of malaria.

Symptoms and remedies for Urinary Tract Infection

Hello everyone,

Many people suffer from Urinary Tract Infection or UTI as called by some people. Both men and women can have this infection but it’s mostly common to women because of how their body is.

But in this post, I’ll tell you the symptoms or signs of UTI and possible cure or remedy to combat it.

Signs or symptoms of Urinary Tract Infection

1)Lower backache

2)Urine coming out with blood

3) Painful urination

4) Abdominal pain.

Remedy to combat UTI



Parsley/Scent leaves



Chop your garlic with the scent leaves, add lemon juice, and water for dilution. Then, pour into a bottle.

You should drink this mixture thrice a day(morning, afternoon and night) for about two weeks.

Prepare this mixture for two weeks if you don’t have a fridge for preservation.

If You Have Cucumber In Your Home, You Are Lucky. See Eight (8) Things You Can Do With Cucumber

Cucumbers have numerous healthy functions in humans. They are Nutritious and also help to fight against certain diseases in the body. Below are 8 Benefits of the cucumber fruits.

1. Is Cucumber Nutritious?

“Picture Used For Illustrative Purpose”

Cucumber contains Carbohydrates, Proteins, Fat, Sugar, Vitamins, Potassium and Magnesium which makes it a Super Nutritional Food. Carbohydrates Provide Engery For The Body, Potassium is important for a healthy heart while Vitamins are important for normal body metabolism.

2. Does Cucumber Regulate Blood Pressure?

Picture Used For Illustrative Purpose”

Cucumber contains Potassium and Potassium helps in Regulation of blood pressure through Renin Angiotensin Mechanism. High blood pressure can lead to Cardiovascular Diseases Like Hypertension.

3. Does Cucumber Fight Against Cancer?

“Picture Used For Illustrative Purpose”

Cucumbers contains a group of polyphenols called lignans, which may be helpful in treating estrogen-related cancers. Cancers are normally caused by Reactive Oxygen Species and Cucumbers serves as an antioxidants that fights against these ROS.

4. Does Cucumber Aids Digestion?

“Picture Used For Illustrative Purpose”

Cucumbers Contain Fiber which are important in adequate bowel movements especially in the elderly people. Fibers are very important for people suffering from indigestion and are having difficulty in passing out stools.

5. Does Cucumber Keeps The Skin Hydrated?

Picture Used For Illustrative Purpose”

Cucumbers are very important for the skin. They are made up of 95% water and Water is an important constituent required for a healthy skin. The water in Cucumbers also keeps you Hydrated, Fights Against Bacteria and Prevents Constipation.

6. Are Cucumbers Good For Diabetic Patients?

Cucumbers contains a lot of water and this is helpful in Regulating The Insulin level of the Body. Diabetic Patients are advised to take adequate amount of Fruits and reduce their Sugar intake.

7. Does Cucumber Strengthens Your Bones?

Picture Used For Illustrative Purpose”

Cucumbers Contain Calcium and Calcium is the most important minerals required for Strengthening The Bones and Teeth. People who Are suffering from Bone Diseases Like Rickets are Advised to increase their intake of cucumbers.

8. Is Cucumber a Healthy Fruit?

“Picture Used For Illustrative Purpose”

From what we have eailer discussed, Cucumbers contains Carbohydrates, Phosphorus, Calcium, Vitamins and Proteins so we can therefore say Cucumbers are Very Healthy For The Body.

8 symptoms that can occur a month (or even earlier) before a heart attack

Prevention is better than cure. This simple rule applies to any disease and is especially valuable if the symptoms are not properly recognized.

The article will describes important symptoms that can occur a month (or even earlier) before a heart attack. You do not have to be a total hypochondriac, but a little health awareness does not hurt anyone. Be very careful if you are in danger. At the end of the article, several indicators are listed that are frequently missed.

8. Fatigue

Unusual fatigue is one of the main symptoms that indicate a threatening heart attack. Women are more likely to report these types of symptoms than men.

Description: Physical or mental activity is not the cause of fatigue and it increases at the end of the day. This symptom is very obvious and it will not go unnoticed: sometimes it is exhausting to perform simple tasks such as making a bed or bathing.

7. Abdominal pain

Abdominal pain, empty / full stomach nausea, bloating or upset stomach are some of the most common symptoms. It is just as likely to occur among women and men.

Description: Abdominal pain before a heart attack has an episodic character that relieves and then returns for short periods of time. Physical stress can aggravate pain in stomach problems.

6. Insomnia

Insomnia is also associated with an increased risk of heart attack or stroke, which is more common in women. Insomnia traits often contain a high level of anxiety and absence.

Description: Symptoms include trouble sleeping, trouble sleeping, and waking up early in the morning.

5. Shortness of breath.

Dyspnoea or shortness of breath is a strong feeling that you can not breathe deeply. It often occurs in men and women up to 6 months before a heart attack. It is usually a warning sign of a medical condition.

Description: It feels like you can not get enough air, dizziness and shortness of breath.

4. Hair loss

Losing your hair is considered as another visible indication of the risk of heart disease. It mostly affects men over 50, but some women can also be at risk. Baldness is also associated with an increased level of the hormone cortisol.

Description: Be very careful not to lose hair from the scalp.

3. Irregular heartbeat

Jumping rhythms or arrhythmias are often accompanied by a panic attack and anxiety, especially among women. It appears unexpectedly and manifests itself differently: arrhythmia (irregular heartbeat) or tachycardia (increased heartbeat). Physical exercise can provide an extra stimulus to the increase in heart rate, especially in the case of atherosclerosis.

Description: The irregular heartbeat lasts 1-2 minutes. If it does not fade, you may feel dizzy and extremely tired. Call a doctor immediately.

2. Excessive sweating

Unusual or excessive sweating is an early warning sign of a heart attack. It can occur at any time of the day or night. This symptom is more common in women and is usually confused with hot flashes or night sweats that are typical of menopause.

Description: Flu-like symptoms, damp skin or sweating that occur regardless of air temperature or physical exertion. Sweat seems more excessive at night; the bedding can be damp in the morning.

1. Chest pain

Men and women experience chest pain in different intensities and forms. In men, this symptom refers to the most important early signs of a threatening heart attack, which should not be ignored. On the other hand, it affects only 30% of women.

Description: Chest pain can be extended to uncomfortable sensations in one or both arms (more often left), lower jaw, neck, shoulders or abdomen. It can have a permanent or temporary character.

Risk factors

We all know about the most common risk factors, such as obesity, lack of physical exercise and smoking. However, there are some indicators that are often missed that can improve your health awareness and help you prevent a heart attack.

*Ear curl (presence of an ear curl diagonally from the ear canal).

*Yellow spots on the inside of the eyelids.

*Slight sore in the calf muscles when walking.

*Hear in the ear canal (among men).

*Early hair gray (among men).


It is said “Health is wealth”. You must not be financially buoyant to be healthy. Most of our fore fathers ain’t wealthy, but they live a fulfilled life and died at an very old age,because they were conscious of what they eat. How we treat our bodies depend on the way it will function. Modern science is insisting that “our body ,the way we treat it, is the way it’s going to behave. You must learn to treat it well. 

In the world where hospitals are intense with patients due to various illment and diseases. It need not to be so if we know how to manage our environment and what we eat. Your body is basically made up of cells, tissues and organs, just to mention but few. My write up is center on the “Kidney”. Most of kidney malfunction and diseases arises base on what we eat.

The Anatomy of the Kidney (Image :Pinterest)

The kidney serves as the filter in our body, a normal human being have two functional kidneys which is in a form of a bean-shaped. The function of the kidney is to filter your blood, they remove wastes and control the body fluid balance. If your blood stops flowing into your kidney, part or all the kidney could die. 

The good news is-there is remedy to kidney failure and some of these kidney disease can be avoided if we desist from these 8 habits stated below. 

1.Excessive Use of Pain Killers. 

I was guilty of this habit until one of my friend who is a doctor educate me, on the negative effects of excessive intake of pains killer. I usually take pain killers, each time iam experiencing menstral pains or feeling fatigue after a hectic day at work.

My Doctor told me:Pain killer may reduce your aches and pains but they can harm your kidney. Reduce your frequent use of pain killers especially NSAIDS (nonsteriodal anti-flammatory Drugs) If you must take them, ensure you adhere to the doctor’s recommended dosage. 

2.Too Much Salt Intake. 

Diets high in salt are high in sodium which can increase blood pressure and in turn harm your kidney. Someone jokingly told me “Most ladies keep adding salt to their food until their ancestors ask them to stop”. This may sound funny but on the other hand it’s dangerous to our health. Desist from eating too much salt so as to safe your kidney. 

3.Eating Too much processed Food. 

Some studies have shown that, too much intake of phosphorus into the body can be harmful to the kidney. Prior to that one need to desist from the habit of eating processed food regularly. This is because processed food are significant sources of sodium and phosphorus. 

4.Not Drinking Enough Water. 

Some prefer drinking soda drink to taking water. This habit is very wrong and can lead to serious kidney health concerns. Water help our body to function effectively. One of the basic requirement for human survival is “water”.

Human beings are advised to drink at least 8 glasses of water per day. Staying well hydrated help your kidney clear sodium and toxins from the body. Don’t wait until you are thirsty before you drink water. Exhibit the habit of drinking water, even when you are not thirsty.

5.Missing Out On Sleep.

As the old saying goes “To much work doesn’t bring alot of money on the table “. Sometimes you need to halt down and have a rest. Just like a machine, your body need rest so as to function properly. A good sleep is immensely paramount to your well-being. 

Kidney function is regulated by the sleep wake cycle which aid coordinate the kidney work load over 24 hours. 

6.Eating Too much Meat. 

Meat is a source of protein that help in building the body tissue. Eating too much meat especially red meat can lead to kidney disease. This is due to the fact that, meat generate high amount of acid in the blood that can harm the kidney and causes acidosis-A kidney disease that arises when kidney cannot eliminate acid fast enough. It is advisable you balanced your diet with fruits and vegetables. 

7.Eating Too Much Sugar. 

Intake of too much sugar into the body can lead to obesity which increases your risk of developing high blood pressure and diabetes which in turns can lead to kidney disease. Sugar might taste sweet to the taste bud but there are alot of consequences attach to intake of too much of it into the body. 

8. Drinking Too Much Alcohol. 

One of the challenges the National Drugs Efforcement Agency (NDLEA) face is eradicating the abuse of alcohol among the youths and adults. This is because alcohol isn’t prohibited by the government unlike cocaine and cannabis. Studies have shown that regular drinking of alcohol can lead to chronic kidney disease. People diagnosed with kidney disease are warned sternly to avoid alcohol and smoking completely. 

This life is too short, you cannot make it longer but you can make it better. Live a better life by staying healthy. Remember to always see your doctor for any medical issues.


As a young man,you don’t need to go into depression for having a small private part. Many men nowadays tend to put their life at risk all in the name of using enlargement creams in order for them to please women. If a woman loves you, there’s no need going extra miles to this extent because if she truly loves you, things like this does not matter.

However, some people use these enlargement creams and still not experience the side effects but remember that what works so someone might not work for you.

Below are some things you could do to help rather than using enlargement creams.1. Go to the gym, in as much as you go to the gym also avoid carry heavy weight lifts because the more your upside becomes muscular, your down side reduces in size.

2.Avoid doing yoga as it’s meant for females

3.Drink enough water .

4. Eat fruits and Vegetables especially banana and tomato.

5.Jog once in a while

6.Avoid over stressing yourself.

If you consistently do these things listed above, you’ll indeed see great improvement instead of using creams or pills that could dettere your health.


Underperforming in the other room is common in people of all ages or genders. Therefore, here is a list of grocery stores that will help you gain strength and surprise your partner the next time you fall in love.

    1. Dark chocolate

    Consumption of chocolate increases hormone levels, which increases mood. This will increase the amount of dopamine and as a result will make you feel comfortable.

    2. Chili Peppers

    This red refreshing pepper is good for improving your metabolism. Pepper contains capsaicin, which stimulates healing and dopamine, stimulates and increases blood circulation in your body.

    3. Watermelon

    It is a very rich fruit that relaxes the blood vessels and promotes blood circulation. It contains L-citrulline, an amino acid that the body converts to L-arginine, which helps produce nitrogen monoxide, which in turn helps the body build.

    4. Bananas

    Bananas contain carbohydrates that produce potassium and B vitamins, which increase energy and allow blood circulation. This will prevent attacks and seizures that can interfere with pleasure. Its enzyme, bromelain, also helps in the production of testosterone.


The blood groups are determined by the presence of some proteins known as antigens and antibodies on red blood cells (which are part of the components of the blood).

You should also bear it in mind that blood group is different from genotype. The blood groups we have in humans are A, B, AB and O while genotype is the genetic make up or humans which means the genes or characters you can get from your parents. These characters/traits include certain diseases such as sickle cell anaemia. The genotype of people suffering from this disease is SS, the carriers have AS while the normal individuals have AA.

People believe the blood group is only important for blood transfusion but this is not so, as it should also be considered to determine type of food you take. Following a specific diet and exercise regimen based on your blood type can optimize your health and reduce your chance of developing particular health conditions.

I will focus on individuals that belong to blood group O. Type O-positive blood is the most common type, meaning you have O blood with an Rh factor.

According to Dr. Peter D’Adamo, a naturopathic physician, blood types represent the genetic traits of our ancestors, and the diet plans are based on what foods those ancestors thrived on. He claims that blood type O is the oldest blood type, associated with ancestors who were hunter gatherers. He says people with blood type O tend to have strength, be lean, and have a productive mind.

Although, it hasn’t been scientifically proven, D’Adamo associates certain health conditions with type O blood, such as digestive issues, insulin resistance, and a poor performing thyroid. 

There is a high production of acid in their stomach making it easy for meat and most foods to digest faster.

Foods to avoid

Excessive amount of this acid in the stomach can erode the lining of the stomach leading to stomach ulcer. To avoid this, you have to minimize or stop taking foods that increase the production of the acid in your stomach. 5 of these foods include:

1. kidney beans

2. dairy

3. Orange

4. Plantain

5. Wheats.


Sugar keeps us wide awake at night time shall we get that instantly. So, if you think going for that bar of chocolate is going to make you miraculously fall asleep, reconsider. Although there are numerous manufacturers who produce food preserving this very component in thoughts, how can you divulge heart’s contents to them? You may have purchased a numerous thousands naira well worth of goods from them, just for them to not work. You may additionally live up past due, AND consuming some thing which you don’t specifically like. 

Some manufacturers may additionally talk the truth reality about their gadgets, but there are certain sorts inside the marketplace. 

Here are foods you may consume earlier than resting. 

1. Bananas 

Bananas are shops of potassium and magnesium, that are generally used to relax muscle mass. Bananas also assist in producing tryptophan, similar to other meals objects like almonds and mozzarella. And, to pinnacle that, you furthermore may have some thing to fulfill your sweet enamel with. You fall off to relaxation, your sugar degrees are ordinary, and you aren’t hungry. Isn’t that simply the dream?

2. Oatmeal

Melatonin is produced in fruit merchandise, which is not exactly not unusual understanding. Melatonin is likewise a hormone that allows in regulating one’s sleep wake cycles. So, in case you are taking in cups of cereal before resting, you may locate the production of melatonin inside the frame due to the fruit present. This will manipulate your sleep, whilst additionally presenting your body with a few wanted carbs. 

3. Almonds 

If you eat more than one almonds everyday, you may turn out to be checking the container that asks you to preserve your consumption of magnesium within the frame. This will assist you calm your mind down, at the same time as relaxing your muscular tissues. Obviously, this may assist calm your mind as you try to visit mattress. Almonds actually have a notable deal of tryptophan so you will virtually relaxation happy. 

4. Salmon 

Salmons are precise sources of protein that you should devour before resting. It is due to the fact that they include greater than 600 mg of fat-unsaturated Omega 3 fat-which allows the human body to get at the least an hour of greater sleep than anything else. So, you can both consume salmon on this way getting the Omega 3 unsaturated fats, or you may just get a complement for Omega three it will result equivalent. 

5. Mozzarella Cheese 

Tryptophan produces serotonin that is the hormone that makes you to feel top notch. And even as there is an to be had source of tryptophan in turkey meat, now not we all have access or consume turkeys. All things taken into consideration, you could strive going for mozzarella cheese, for no longer handiest is it effortlessly available however it additionally contains twice the measure of tryptophan. So, why now not check out it? 

Dont eat sugar, as it will essentially hold you conscious leading to a totally tiresome day the quantity you awaken from your sleep. The above gadgets are without problems available and cheap, why now not attempt them.


Urine is approximately made up of approximately 90% water and other compounds.The colour, odour and appearance of urine says a lot about our general state of health.

The ideal colour of urine is pale yellow, but differences or changes in urine may indicate a possible medical problems that we may not know about.

The kidney is a vital organ that filters excess water and urine it indicates and gives us sinals of diseases that may be silent killers.

How our urine colours, odours and appearance tells us that our body is in danger:

1) Urinary Tact Infections

The urine appears white and produces a sweet smelling odour if the urinary tracts are infected.

2) Kidney or liver problems

The urine is dark brown in colour and cloudy in appearance.

3) Sexually Transmitted Diseases

Foul smelling odour and dark yellow indicates sexually transmitted diseases like gonorrhea.

4) Dehydration

The urine smells like ammonia and appears clear.

Blood in urine may also indicate:

1) Bladder or kidney stones

2) Kidney disease

3) Urinary Tract Infections

4) Kidney or bladder cancer

When urine and you experience pains, it may indicate that :

1) Swelling or inflammation of the vagina or urethra.

2) Postrate cancer

3) Sexually Transmitted Diseases such as gonorrhea.

It is comfortable to know that if you notice these changes in your urine, it may not exactly mean that you have these problems. However, it is only advisable to consult your doctor immediately for tests.This can save your life.


How to increase your micro male organ:

Many men, especially the fat ones amongst them feel shy and complain bitterly that their machine for bedroom practices is small and can not satisfy their partners.

Male organs are of different sizes and shapes, we have the big ones, small ones, medium size ones, curvy ones etc

Our emphasis will be on the small sized male organ which is generally called the micro male organ. Having a small male organ can be very disgraceful, it also makes bedroom practices boring and uninteresting.

How to remedy the situation:

….Get an alligator pepper

….Get an Aframonum Melegueta Stick

How to use:

All you can do with these items is to chew them. With this, your male organ will increase in size.

Note: Don’t chew these items excessively, once you reach your target, stop chewing them immediately, to avoid being excessively big.


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I will be teaching you how you can deal with any stubbornness bedbugs, rats and cockroach in your home, office or any environment rat is disturbing you. Please try and follow this procedure below, and thank ma later.

Mix salt with any detergent then add any food, place it at any corner where you or in your wardrobe to kill any rat. (Big or Small) Don’t joke with it because it’s very effective.

Please keep these out of reach of children.

Tell your friends and family to stop wasting money for rat killer.


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Eating cucumber makes your body system sound and clean, Infact it aids in the digestion process. Next time after eating, try to take a cucumber, at least 1 for proper digestion.

2. Weight loss 

If you never knew, eating cucumber aids in weight reduction. So if you wish to lose weight, try eating cucumber daily.

3. Good Breath 

If you have a bad breath, cucumber might just be the solution to it. Try taking cucumber every day for 2 weeks for effective result.

4. Forestall kidney stones 

5. Clear vision 

Eating crude cucumber gives clear vision and legitimate visual perception. Cucumber contains mitigating properties that help manages issues of the eye. 

6. Ensures your heart is safe

Eating cucumber everyday ensures that your heart is free from different heart disease. Eating cucumber also keeps your heart in a steady and safe state.

7 things you should never do on an empty stomach: Every one is a victim of number 4

1. Anti-inflammatory drugs by mouthAspirins, ibuprofen, and other NSAIDs (non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs), which also include Paracetamol, should not be taken on an empty stomach. These are known to carry certain side effects; They can increase the risk of certain gastrointestinal conditions, such as ulceration, bleeding, perforation of the stomach or intestine, which are quite serious. Therefore, the FDA recommends that NSAIDs are always taken with food, which provides a buffering effect on the stomach lining. NOTE: you don’t need a full meal while you eat them, you can even settle for smaller things like a banana.

2. Drink alcoholDrinking

alcohol on an empty stomach is not a good idea at all. Basically, when we haven’t eaten, the body absorbs the effect of alcohol much faster. The absorption rate becomes twice the average speed; it is more or less equivalent to injecting alcohol into your blood. Tip: If you find yourself voluntarily caught up in the social obligation to drink with friends, consider ordering a non-carbonated drink, as they are not absorbed efficiently. Eating a sandwich with the drink is a great idea, especially one with butter.

3. Chew gum

In case you do not know, when a person starts chewing gum, the same chewing action sends a signal to the brain warning that you are about to eat certain foods. As a method of preparation, the stomach begins to release a small amount of gastric acid, which can flood it without the balancing effect of food. Over time, if it becomes an everyday activity, it could lead to the development of stomach ulcers. Tip: if you feel like chewing gum, do it after lunch and opt for a sugar-free one.

4. Go to bed

Another habit that many people adopt daily (mostly out of laziness) and that is totally counterproductive. Going to bed hungry is not a good idea at all; low glucose levels prevent your body from resting well, which can cause superficial or inadequate sleep. Curiously, sleeping poorly or poorly increases the secretion of the hunger hormone, so we eat much more on the days we wake up tired. Tip: lying down on a full stomach is not a good idea either; instead, you can eat some protein, such as chicken, cottage cheese, vegetables, or a fruit smoothie.

5. Go shopping

In a way, being very hungry makes us delirious, therefore, shopping on an empty stomach is a tremendously bad idea; You will end up buying much more than you really need. According to a study by the University of Minnesota, this delusional approach is not limited to just food; It also makes us incompetent when it comes to buying non-food items. Our brain begins to see things that are not crucial as very relevant, and consequently, we end up buying unnecessary or stupid products.

6. Drink coffee or tea

After getting dragged out of bed on a hectic morning, your tired mind might send you the signal that you need good coffee; in fact, turning on the coffee maker or making yourself a cup right now is one of the first things you’ll be used to. However, in the morning, drinking this hot drink on an empty stomach can increase acid levels in the stomach and put you at serious risk of vomiting or constipation. So if you’re looking for something quick, grab a good toast before indulging in the morning coffee.

7. Train in the gym

Of course, exercising regularly and staying fit is very important to our overall health, but it is not entirely recommended to do it in the morning if your stomach is empty. The body begins to burn glycogen for fuel, but since you will not have enough in the morning, you will burn muscle mass as a substitute, which will increase fat storage. Your body needs food for workouts, with a healthy amount of carbohydrates and fats. Also, you may feel lethargic, reducing overall productivity and increasing the risk of fainting.


  1. Traditional herbal medicines are based on the use of natural remedies like Herbs and Roots, no special food no lifestyle change to permanently cure drug resistance diseases. Patients who use this methods will definitely testify. Though not all are natural and may contain heavy elements which the kidney finds difficult to filter and excrete that is why I recommend
    Two years ago I was permanently cured of oral herpes by Dr Utu.
    Dr Utu herbs are hundred percent natural, no after effect and is guaranteed many have testified to this


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