Portable gets lot of backlashes after showing new face tattoo in Cyprus


Controversial Nigerian singer Portable is trending because of his new tattoose after he went all the way to Cyprus to get a professional to draw his tattoo.

It must be noted that Portable, had tattoos on his body before but not on his face.

The singer now has several tattoos on his face, including "SOS" on his chin, "Zazu" on one cheek, and what appears to be a coffin close to his ear.

The music superstar also has other new tattoos on his forehead.

One anonymous commenter even interpreted the acronym SOS to mean Son of Satan.

Below are few comments from netizens after he showcase his finished look.


Lots of people are commenting and praising portable, what he need is intervention, rehabilitation and counselling. This path and road will lead to nothing but implosion. He need helps as soon as possible...


You still look very dirty after over half a year. poverty and prosperity is genetic

Richard Lin:

I love this guy I swear ,a very unique mad man. High spirit
