How to use Chamomile to treat Diarrhea


Chamomile herbal tea or essential oil helps to calm the digestive tract. It’s long been used in traditional medicine and is a safe option for even young children.

In one double-blind study, researchers looked at children 6 months to 6 years with diarrhea. They found that a chamomile and apple pectin drink significantly lessened diarrhea. It worked better than the electrolyte sugar drink, with little to no side effects.

A 2014 animal study also explored chamomile’s effect on diarrhea. Researchers concluded chamomile extract was a potent antidiarrheal and antioxidant.

Sip on chamomile tea and/or rub diluted chamomile essential oil onto the lower intestines.

For nursing babies, breastfeeding moms can take chamomile. If the child is old enough, they can have a bit of strongly brewed chamomile tea.

Babies 3 months and up can have an abdominal massage with diluted chamomile essential oil. To dilute, use about 1 drop of essential oil per 1 Tablespoon of carrier oil.
