Fitness may be superior to weight loss for reducing health risks


A study has revealed that fitness rather than weight loss should be given more attention. The study did not say that weight loss is not good but that forcing oneself to loss weight has it own health risks. 

Though, obesity is linked with a number of health conditions, including cardiovascular disease, diabetes, cancer, and problems with the bones and joints. But weight cycling, commonly called yo-yo dieting, is also associated with health problems, including muscle loss, fatty liver disease, and diabetes. The authors say that by focusing on fitness rather than weight loss, people can gain the benefits of exercise while avoiding the risks associated with weight cycling.

Current public health guidelines recommend that adults accumulate 150–300 minutes per week of moderate-intensity physical activity (the intensity equivalent to walking at casual-to-brisk pace) or 75–150 minutes per week of vigorous-intensity physical activity (the intensity equivalent to jogging or running). 

According to Glenn Gaesser, Study Co-Author, College of Health Solutions, Arizona State University:

"But it's important to note that the benefits of exercise are dose dependent, with the biggest benefits coming from just moving out of the couch-potato zone to doing at least some moderate-intensity activity," Gaesser says. 

"It's also important to emphasize that physical activity can be accumulated throughout the day. For example, multiple short walks during the day (even as short as two to ten minutes each) are just as beneficial as one long walk for health benefits."

"We would like people to know that fat can be fit, and that fit and healthy bodies come in all shapes and sizes. We realize that in a weight-obsessed culture, it may be challenging for programs that are not focused on weight loss to gain traction. We're not necessarily against weight loss; we just think that it shouldn't be the primary criterion for judging the success of a lifestyle intervention program."
