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Akinola Olusegun
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Table of Contents
- Introduction
- Top 10 home remedies for erectile dysfunction
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- How apple cider vinegar help treat a cold
- 5 home remedies that a person can try to ease a cold
- 3 Ways To Use Garlic As Home Remedy To Correct Erectile Dysfunction
- 4 ways to use apple cider vinegar for sore throat
- How To Use Cabbage As Home Remedy For Smooth Skin
- 4 home made remedies that will help your body break down mucus causing congested chest
- How Tumeric Can Help To Control Diabetes
- Health Benefits of Tiger Nuts During Pregnancy
- 13 Health Benefits of Bananas
- How To Use Cloves For Weight Loss
- FG warned Nigerians to desist from the use of chemicals to forced ripening food items
- 31 plant species used for the traditional management of prostrate enlargement BPH
- 10 Top Herbal Recipes For Treating Prostrate Enlargement
- Meaning, Causes & Prevention of Kidney Stones
- How to reduce body odour
- How Energy Drinks May Affects Heart Rhythms
Having difficulty with breathing should be treated as a medical emergency
Ulcer patients can observe Ramadan fast by avoiding foods that cause them problems – Surgeon
Can avocados curb hunger?
Reasons why replacing sugar with honey is an unhealthy choice
Study says Foot ulcer constitutes 25% diabetes-related hospital admissions in Nigeria
Why pepper soup can boost libido
Results show that the safest level of drinking is none
Alcohol-related liver disease on the rise
Is dementia the same as Alzheimer’s?
Women at increased risk of heart attack, stroke if they use antibiotics for more than two months —Research
Vaginal infection is why some women deliver premature babies
Cashew leaf can be use as herbal remedy to cure urinary tract infections
Mass layoffs has been linked to increased teen suicide attempts
Why is dementia becoming more common?
Home remedies for mastitis
4 Habits that can help increase longevity
Consume less calories and arrest type 2 diabetes
Even slightly overweight people were twice as likely to get Type 2 diabetes
5 ways to improve male libido
8 home remedies to relieve your child from chicken pox
10 home remedies for acne
6 home remedies for acid reflux
5 ways you can include Cinnamon into your diet
Can nerve damage from diabetes be reversed?
6 Natural Remedies Against Inflammation
7 Benefits of Papaya Seeds
8 home remedies for dry skin
6 Natural Remedies For Winter Skin Issues
5 steps to use cold press to bring down fever in a child
Home/herbal remedy: How to cure you child fever with basil
Home/herbal remedy for treating stomach bug: garlic
Herbal/home remedy for blocked sinuses : horseradish
Home/herbal remedy for high blood pressure : beetroot
Herbal/home remedy for treating constipation: pure olive oil
Home/herbal remedy for treating nausea: ginger
Home remedy for high cholesterol : pears
Natural/herbal remedy for anxiety: bananas
Nobody prays to be ill but sickness will definitely occur no matter how hard we try to avoid it. Some illnesses are mild while some are severe. Mild ones are normal since it may be due to some changes in the body. However, severe sicknesses are bad because it may mean something is totally wrong with our health. Apart from accident, gunshot and other unforeseen circumstances that claim human lives, sickness is what precedes death.
This means that we should try to react promptly to find cure to any sickness we are experiencing before it get out of hands.
To avoid undue sickness, we need to increase our knowledge of health and hygiene. Knowledge is power they say. Have you heard the statement “my people perish because of lack of knowledge.” Is true, knowledge can keep us alive from undue sickness and untimely death. That is why this book is a must have and read for everyone who cares about the well being of him/herself and that of the people around him/her.
The book will broaden your knowledge on:
- How to avoid diseases
- Home remedies to help you or your love ones out in case any of you contract any of the diseases in this book
- Healthy lifestyles you need to live a healthy life
- General health tips and articles
- Health benefits of various kind of fruits
- Importance of good diet, how to use herbs to treat illnesses and
- Many more.
Remember ‘health is wealth.’ It is when you are healthy that you will be able to hustle for money.
This book will also help us to find home/herbal remedies for various kind of sicknesses such as:
- cold
- erectile dysfunction
- kidney stones
- high blood pressure
- skin issues
- diabetes
- sore throat
- constipation
- ulcer
- prostrate enlargement
- morning sickness
- hangover
- obesity
- depression and
- many more
The book is a must buy /read for everyone.
Top 10 home remedies for erectile dysfunction
1. Garlic
Erectile dysfunction is a condition where it is hard for a man in question to be able get his manhood erected in preparedness for sexual intercourse. This is a big problem to anyone that has such illness because how can someone enjoy and satisfy a woman without strong erection. Many have turned to orthodox medicine to reverse and correct their erectile dysfunction problems. However, there are some home remedies that could help to correct erectile dysfunction. One of such home remedies is using Garlic. This herb, garlic is believed to help deal with erectile dysfunction as it contains allicin which helps improve blood flow. Dr. Graham Jackson, consultant cardiologist at Guys and St Thomas' NHS Trust found that eating four cloves of garlic daily for three months helped improve erection in six out of seven volunteers suffering from ED.
How To Use Garlic To Correct Erectile Dysfunction
A. Chew three to four cloves of garlic daily.
B. Another way you can use garlic as home remedy to control erectile dysfunction is to heat a few garlic cloves with a little bit of clarified butter on low flame until they turn golden brown. Eat these garlic cloves daily.3. You can also use garlic to control erectile dysfunction by mixing together one teaspoon each of garlic powder and cayenne pepper powder and have it with water a few hours before going to bed.
2. Almonds
Almonds are considered a great aphrodisiac and people have been using it for thousands of years. Being high in vitamin E, almonds promote healthy blood flow and circulation in the body. Also, almonds are rich in zinc, manganese and copper.Mix one tablespoon of powdered almond in a glass of warm milk. Drink this daily before you go to bed.Alternatively, soak a handful of almonds in water for a few hours. Eat these almonds daily, 30 minutes before you go to bed.Try either of these remedies for one month to notice a difference in your condition.
3. Onion
Onions also contain aphrodisiac qualities. Plus, they help treat involuntary loss of semen during sleep or other times.Slice one to two large white onions. Fry the slices in clarified butter on low flame until they turn brown. Eat them with one tablespoon of honey daily before having your dinner.Alternatively, finely chop two large onions and steep them in two cups of warm water for 10 minutes. Drink half a cup of this liquid three times daily for one month.
4. Carrots
Chinese herbalists consider carrots a good remedy for treating ED due to their aphrodisiac qualities and high beta-carotene content.Blend three medium-size carrots, three celery stalks, half of a medium-size beetroot and one to two garlic cloves in a juicer. Drink a glass of this juice once or twice daily.Drinking a glass of warm milk along with two tablespoons of grated carrot is another option.Eating salads including raw carrots daily can also help.
5. Pomegranate Juice
Daily consumption of antioxidant-rich pomegranate can protect men against erectile dysfunction. It aids blood circulation and also helps reduce stress. Plus, it helps increase the nitrite oxide level in the body which in turn increases blood circulation.A small-scale pilot study in 2007 also found that pomegranate juice is effective. However, further studies are still required to get statistically significant results.Drink a glass of pomegranate juice daily.You can also take pomegranate supplements. Consult your doctor before taking supplements.
6. Pelvic Floor Exercises
Pelvic floor exercises can successfully restore erectile function in men with ED. According to a BJU International study done in 2005, pelvic floor exercises can provide a long-term solution for ED. They help strengthen the muscles located at the base of the penile muscle.While doing pelvic floor exercises, you must pay attention to releasing and tightening the pelvic muscles. This also promotes urinary continence.It is recommended to learn these exercises from an expert and then do them on your own. Do these exercises daily for at least three months to get positive results.
7. Korean Red Ginseng
Korean red ginseng, also known as Asian ginseng or Chinese ginseng, can also be very effective for treating ED.In a study published in the Journal of Urology, 45 men suffering from erectile dysfunction were given either Korean red ginseng or a placebo. Those who were given 900 milligrams of Korean red ginseng supplement three times daily for eight weeks noticed improvement in their symptoms.The recommended dosage for Korean red ginseng is between 600 and 1,000 mg three times daily. It is best to discuss with your doctor before taking this supplement as it can interact with other drugs and may cause allergic reactions.
8. L-arginine
L-arginine is an amino acid that increases nitric oxide levels in the body. Nitric oxide increases blood circulation and facilitates erections by dilating blood vessels in the penis.According to a 1999 study published in the British Journal of Urology International, men with erectile dysfunction who took 5 grams of L-arginine daily noticed huge improvements in their condition.Eat protein-rich foods like meat, chicken, fish, peas, and nuts and seeds that contain L-arginine in high amounts.You can also take L-arginine supplements after consulting your doctor.
9. Ginger
According to herbalists, ginger is another good remedy. It has aphrodisiac properties that help relieve impotency and premature ejaculation. Plus, the active compounds in ginger like gingerol, shogaol and zingiberene stimulate blood circulation.Mix one-half teaspoon of ginger juice with one soft-boiled egg and one tablespoon of honey. Eat this mixture once daily before going to bed for a month.Another option is to prepare a mixture of two teaspoons each of ginger paste and honey. Have it three times daily for one to two months.You can also drink two to three cups of ginger tea daily.
10. Acupuncture
Acupuncture has also been used to treat problems like ED for years. It can improve the quality of erection in men. A 2003 pilot study published in the International Journal of Impotence Research also found acupuncture helpful in the treatment of psychogenic erectile dysfunction.In this ancient Chinese practice, a practitioner inserts hair-thin needles into specific points in the wall of the abdomen. This in turn restores the proper flow of energy in the body.If you opt for this treatment, make sure to have it done by a trained practitioner.
Additional Tips
If you have high blood pressure, high cholesterol or high blood sugar, get it treated.Make it a priority to do physical exercise at least four times a week. Quit smoking as it can make your condition worse. Avoid excess drinking as alcohol can have a huge impact on erections. Reduce your stress level.Foods rich in zinc and omega-3 fatty acids must be part of your regular diet.
How apple cider vinegar help treat a cold
Apple cider vinegar may help treat colds because of its antimicrobial properties. It is popular as a home remedy for cold. Apple cider vinegar has a long history of use. Hippocrates mixed it with honey to treat disease, and soldiers used it to disinfect their wounds during the American Civil War.
Apple cider vinegar derives from apple cider that manufacturers ferment in order to remove the alcohol.
Many people believe that it contains a range of compounds that may benefit a person's health.
Can apple cider vinegar help treat a cold? The antimicrobial properties of apple cider vinegar may kill some bacteria.Research has shown that apple cider vinegar has antimicrobial properties and can kill bacteria, yeasts, and fungal infections. However, one study found that apple cider vinegar was not effective against influenza and may not have any effect against viruses, which are the cause of the common cold.
Even though there is no scientific proof that apple cider vinegar is an effective treatment for colds, its antimicrobial qualities may help to ease cold symptoms in some people.
If a person has a cold and prefers to use a natural remedy rather than medication, they could try using apple cider vinegar to see if it eases their symptoms.
How might apple cider vinegar help?
Apple cider vinegar has antimicrobial and antioxidant effects. Many of its health benefits are due to its polyphenolic compounds. These are active chemicals in plants, including fruits and vegetables.
Other types of fruit vinegar, such as grape vinegar, also contain polyphenolic compounds. However, white vinegar does not.
Polyphenolic compounds act as antioxidants and prevent the formation of free radicals, which can damage tissue.
Research suggests polyphenols can have positive effects on certain types of cancer, coronary heart disease, and various inflammatory disorders.
Certain types of apple cider vinegar include the "mother," which is a colony of beneficial probiotic bacteria. These can help support the gut and immune system.
Side effects of apple cider vinegar
According to Harvard Health Publishing, there may be some side effects of consuming apple cider vinegar, including:
Damage to the tooth enamel: This may occur if a person consumes it undiluted. It may be preferable to use it as part of a salad dressing.Reduction of potassium levels. People who take medications such as diuretics should speak to their doctor before taking apple cider vinegar.Alterations to insulin levels. People who have diabetes should be particularly cautious.
Top 2 Apple Cider Vinegar Remedy Recipes And How To Make Them
People can use apple cider vinegar in a variety of home remedy recipes. Some examples include:
1. Oxymel
People can make a herbal preparation called an oxymel using honey and apple cider vinegar.
To do this, you would need to steep a herb in the mixture in a glass jar. Consider using herbs with antimicrobial or anti-inflammatory properties, such as oregano, thyme, turmeric, or garlic.
How to make an oxymel:
Quarter fill a clean, dry jar with the herb of choice.Cover the herb with equal parts apple cider vinegar and raw honey.Stir, place a plastic lid on, and shake until well mixed.Store in a cool, dark place and shake every couple of days.After about 2 weeks, strain the mixture and store in a glass jar in the refrigerator.Consume by the spoonful as needed. As oxymels contain raw honey, people should not give them to children under 12 months old.
Note: Pregnant women, children, and people with health conditions or those taking medications should use caution when considering any herbal preparation.
2. Diluted apple cider vinegar
A person can make a soothing drink, using about 5 parts warm water to 1 part apple cider vinegar. They can also gargle with an equal mixture of warm water and vinegar.
Extra ingredients
A person can add extra ingredients to an apple cider vinegar drink to help soothe the throat, ease coughing, and loosen phlegm, such as:
Sliced lemon or lemon juice, Honey, Grated fresh ginger, Turmeric, Cinnamon, A pinch of cayenne pepper, A green tea teabag steeped in the drink.
Important note:
Before trying a new remedy or herbal product, check with a medical professional to ensure that it will not interact with other medications or health conditions.
Pregnant women and children should also avoid herbal preparations unless they seek professional advice.
People can try a drink or recipe that contains additional anti-inflammatory ingredients. This might help to soothe and ease symptoms of a cold and could prevent further complications.
Before trying a new remedy or herbal product, check with a medical professional to ensure that it will not interact with other medications or health conditions.
Pregnant women and children should also avoid herbal preparations unless they seek professional advice.
5 home remedies that a person can try to ease a cold
People can try a drink or recipe that contains additional anti-inflammatory ingredients to soothe and ease symptoms of a cold and could and to prevent further complications. Apple cider vinegar may be effective against cold symptoms in some people that might prefer to take a natural remedy rather than medication for a cold.
The following is a list of different home remedies that a person can try to ease a cold.
1. Garlic
Garlic contains an active ingredient called allicin. This compound is antimicrobial and may help prevent the common cold, although research is limited.People can add garlic to cooking and salad dressings, or chop it raw into a spoonful of honey for a sore throat.
2. Curcumin
Curcumin is the anti-inflammatory ingredient in the spice turmeric. Research in human cells and mice suggests that this component could help treat viral infections.People can make a soothing tea by grating some fresh root or a half teaspoon of dried spice into hot water. Try adding some cinnamon and honey to sweeten.
3. Nasal irrigation
Nasal irrigation is a traditional remedy for upper respiratory tract infections. It involves irrigating the nose with either saltwater or isotonic solution.Research indicates it reduces the number of microbes in the respiratory tract by flushing out the mucous lining and having a positive effect on the cells.
The neti pot is the traditional means of administration. However, scientific evidence for nasal irrigation is poor. It is best to use distilled water and clean the neti pot carefully as it can grow mold and bacteria.
4. Echinacea
Echinacea could help reduce the incidence and length of a cold, and the need for further medication, according to research. People can take it as a herbal tincture, cough syrup, or tablet.
5. Ginger
An article in the International Journal of Preventive Medicine suggests that ginger has anti-inflammatory properties, which may help to soothe colds, coughs, and sore throats. A person can add it to a warm drink or a fresh juice.
Important note: Before trying a new remedy or herbal product, check with a medical professional to ensure that it will not interact with other medications or health conditions.
Pregnant women and children should also avoid herbal preparations unless they seek professional advice.
3 Ways To Use Garlic As Home Remedy To Correct Erectile Dysfunction

Erectile dysfunction is a condition where it is hard for a man in question to be able get his manhood eRected in preparedness for sexual intercourse. This is a big problem to anyone that has such illness because how can someone enjoy and satisfy a woman without strong erection. Many have turned to orthodox medicine to reverse and correct their erectile dysfunction problems. However, there are some home remedies that could help to correct erectile dysfunction. One of such home remedies is using Garlic. This herb, garlic is believed to help deal with erectile dysfunction as it contains allicin which helps improve blood flow. Dr. Graham Jackson, consultant cardiologist at Guys and St Thomas' NHS Trust found that eating four cloves of garlic daily for three months helped improve erection in six out of seven volunteers suffering from ED.
3 Ways To Use Garlic To Correct Erectile Dysfunction
1. Chew three to four cloves of garlic daily.
2. Another way you can use garlic as home remedy to control erectile dysfunction is to heat a few garlic cloves with a little bit of clarified butter on low flame until they turn golden brown. Eat these garlic cloves daily.
3. You can also use garlic to control erectile dysfunction by mixing together one teaspoon each of garlic powder and cayenne pepper powder and have it with water a few hours before going to bed.
4 ways to use apple cider vinegar for sore throat

Apple cider vinegar is an effective and working home remedy to fight sore throat because it contains several properties that can help you fight sore throat. If you have sore throat, you can try any of the four suggested ways of using apple cider vine
4 ways to use apple cider vinegar for sore throat
1. Add one tablespoon of apple cider vinegar to a mug of warm water. After mixing properly add 2 tablespoons of honey to it. Drink this mixture once a day. It may help you fight cough as well.
2. Another way you can use apple cider vinegar to treat sore throat is to simply mix a tablespoon of apple cider vinegar to a tall glass of warm water and drink it once a day.
3. Also, you can mix apple cider vinegar with cinnamon and other kitchen ingredients to prepare a powerful mixture to fight sore throat. To do this, In a cup of warm water, add one tablespoon of apple cider vinegar, one tablespoon cinnamon, one tablespoon honey and one tablespoon lemon. Drink this as a tea or gargle with this mixture.
4. Yes, another way you can use apple cidar vinegar to treat sore throat is to mix it with saltwater. You can mix one tablespoon of apple cider vinegar in saltwater for gargle. Make sure that the water is warm.
Important Note: Always dilute it by adding water to it and NEVER drink apple cider vinegar straight. If you experience severe symptoms of sore throat and other issues, seek medical help immediately.
How To Use Cabbage As Home Remedy For Smooth Skin

Having smooth and lovely skin is the dream and desire of everyone. This is because smooth skin make you attractive to people and it gives you the needed confidence to mingle with people. Another reason why smooth skin is good is that people use it to judge how well someone is living in terms of food and other well-being factors. One vegetable that can be use as home remedy for smooth skin is cabbage.
This is because cabbage is rich in vitamins and minerals and good for all skin types.
How To Use Cabbage As Home Remedy For Smooth Skin
Just boiI cabbage in enough water. Cool the liquid and use it to dean your face. Apply grated carrots on your face and keep it for 15 to 20 minutes. Wash off with plain water. Carrots are rich in vitamin A and good for winter skin problems.
4 home made remedies that will help your body break down mucus causing congested chest

Every second person is found nursing a cold or suffering from a nagging cold. Nutritionist Luke Coutinho often gets queries where people ask him how they can fight congested chests. In an Instagram post, he wrote, "If we help the body or lungs to break down the mucous, then we can eliminate it easily, bringing immediate relief. Moreover, the sooner we get it out, the better it is because delaying it can lead to high fever and body aches."Here is a recipe that will prevent your congestion from turning into a full blown flu with fever and body ache.
Recipe 1:
Take freshly mashed ginger, 3 peppercorns, cinnamon, elaichi, garlic cloves. Make a tea preparation out of it and drink it warm.
Recipe 2:
Take a glass of fresh carrot juice and add one tablespoon of raw coconut oil.
Recipe 3:
Boil water and add one tablespoon ajwain and inhale steam for five minutes. This steam will also help with the breakdown of mucus.
Recipe 4:
Take a tablespoon of pure raw honey plainly or add some of it to ginger tea. All these home remedies can help deal with congestion in a big way. In this post, many people asked Luke Coutinho if honey can be added to anything hot, since recent reports suggested that honey turns toxic if it is taken with anything warm. Well, let us dispel this myth. When honey is added to something hot, it changes the composition of the honey and weakens its benefits, eliminating certain essential minerals. But when it is raw or at room temperature, it is more beneficial - however, that does not mean that it will get toxic and kill you when heated.
How Tumeric Can Help To Control Diabetes

The problem of type 2 diabetes is increasing due to shortage of curcumin in the food we consumed. The patient of diabetes has the benefits of eating turmeric. Turmeric has antioxidant properties. It also has anti-inflammatory properties, which are helpful in increasing the production of insulin in the body. When there is more insulin in your body, then the blood sugar level will start decreasing.
Diabetes patients can take turmeric milk before going to bed at night. It is good for their health, on the one hand, while it will strengthen bones, on the other hand, it will control diabetes and blood sugar level. If you want, you can also use cinnamon in it. Turmeric controls diabetes.
It is a cure for every disease. Sugar levels can be controlled by consuming turmeric in diabetes. It has been proven by many researches.
Health Benefits of Tiger Nuts During Pregnancy
Contains high fiber, good for lactose intolerant people, good source of magnesium, rich in vitamin c and e and protects from cardiovascular diseases are some of the health benefits of tiger nuts during pregnancy.
Tiger Nuts? Heard of them? Well, these are a native of Ghana or Nigeria and contrary of what the name says, they are not nuts. They are tubers like groundnuts that grow under the ground and are loaded with a number of benefits. Popular by the namespace of atadwe in African region it is mostly used as a substitute to milk. You can also find tiger nuts dried and roasted in honey or as flour. They are not so famous in the eastern region, but their benefits has amazed people everywhere. Here is something for all the pregnant ladies, the benefits of tiger nuts. Let’s have a look at them.
High fiber
Every 30 gm of tiger nuts contains around 10 gm of fibers along with their outer skin. And without the skin every 30 gm of tiger nuts contain 3 gm of dietary fibres. Fibers are essential during pregnancy as they help in maintaining the pregnancy weight and reduces the risk of constipation during pregnancy. So, the high fibers content of tiger nuts checks the digestive health.
For lactose intolerant people
Milk is an essential part of the diet during pregnancy, but in case you are intolerant to lactose, here is the apt solution for you. Tiger nut milk is rich in calcium and supports bone building, strong tissue, and growth of the baby in the womb. So, pregnant women who can’t drink cow milk can drink tiger nut milk and get all these benefits.
Good source of magnesium
Magnesium eases muscle cramps, spasms & aches, eases nausea and reduces the risk of premature labor, so it is considered as one of the essential nutrients during pregnancy. 300 gm of tiger nut flour contain 13 to 17 percent of magnesium as per several studies. So, there it is, another benefit of tiger nuts. In take of tiger nuts can provide you all these benefits of magnesium.
Rich in vitamin C and E
Tiger nuts are loaded with nutrients and one of the most abundant nutrients are vitamin E and C. They contain 15% of the daily value of vitamin E and 8% of the daily value of vitamin C in every ounce. The vitamin E present in tiger nuts helps in the formation of RBCs, maintains the structure of fats, prevents blood clots and provides many more benefits during pregnancy. And the vitamin C helps in the formation of collagen which is an essential component of cartilage, tendons, bones, and skin.
Protects from cardiovascular diseases
I’m sure you don’t want to discover any cardiovascular disease in your pregnancy or in your baby. Tiger nuts help in the avoiding cardiovascular diseases. The vitamin E present in them are a great help in avoiding cardiovascular problems. So, go grab your packet of tiger nuts milk or tiger nuts flour as soon as possible
Diabetes control
Diabetes during pregnancy can turn out to be very fatal for the child and the mother. It can lead to conditions such as jaundice, macrosomia and hypoglycemia. Moreover, most of the time diabetes goes undiagnosed during the first few months of pregnancy and turns out to be fatal later on. But, if you want to control diabetes, eating tiger nuts can help you out. The highly insoluble dietary fibers in tiger nuts regulates the blood pressure level and keeps the mother and baby safe.
So, these are some of the amazing benefits of tiger nuts. But, along with it there are some side effects as well, which should be kept in mind. Just so they grow under the ground, much like peanuts they have the threat contamination by mycotoxins which is not safe for pregnant women. They also, contain lots of fiber, so if you are intolerant to high fiber, you must peel the tiger nuts before eating. High fiber can cause flatulence, diarrhea, abdominal pain, bloating, or constipation. Moreover, check with your doctor if you are allergic to these nuts. Apart from these small risks they are absolutely safe. Happy Parenting!
13 Health Benefits of Bananas

Never, put your banana in the refrigerator!!!...
This is interesting. After reading this, you'll never look at a banana in the same way again.
Bananas contain three natural sugars - sucrose, fructose and glucose combined with fiber. A banana gives an instant, sustained and substantial boost of energy.
Research has proven that just two bananas provide enough energy for a strenuous 90-minute workout. No wonder the banana is the number one fruit with the world's leading athletes.
But energy isn't the only way a banana can help us keep fit. It can also help overcome or prevent a substantial number of illnesses and conditions, making it a must to add to our daily diet.
According to a recent survey undertaken by MIND amongst people suffering from depression, many felt much better after eating a banana. This is because bananas contain tryptophan, a type of protein that the body converts into serotonin, known to make you relax, improve your mood and generally make you feel happier.
Forget the pills - eat a banana. The vitamin B6 it contains regulates blood glucose levels, which can affect your mood.
High in iron, bananas can stimulate the production of hemoglobin in the blood and so helps in cases of anemia.
This unique tropical fruit is extremely high in potassium yet low in salt, making it perfect to beat blood pressure So much so, the US Food and Drug Administration has just allowed the banana industry to make official claims for the fruit's ability to reduce the risk of blood pressure and stroke.
200 students at a Twickenham (Middlesex) school ( England ) were helped through their exams this year by eating bananas at breakfast, break, and lunch in a bid to boost their brain power. Research has shown that the potassium-packed fruit can assist learning by making pupils more alert.
High in fiber, including bananas in the diet can help restore normal bowel action, helping to overcome the problem without resorting to laxatives.
One of the quickest ways of curing a hangover is to make a banana milkshake, sweetened with honey. The banana calms the stomach and, with the help of the honey, builds up depleted blood sugar levels, while the milk soothes and re-hydrates your system.
Bananas have a natural antacid effect in the body, so if you suffer from heartburn, try eating a banana for soothing relief.
Snacking on bananas between meals helps to keep blood sugar levels up and avoid morning sickness.
Before reaching for the insect bite cream, try rubbing the affected area with the inside of a banana skin. Many people find it amazingly successful at reducing swelling and irritation.
Bananas are high in B vitamins that help calm the nervous system..
Overweight and at work? Studies at the Institute of Psychology in Austria found pressure at work leads to gorging on comfort food like chocolate and chips. Looking at 5,000 hospital patients, researchers found the most obese were more likely to be in high-pressure jobs. The report concluded that, to avoid panic-induced food cravings, we need to control our blood sugar levels by snacking on high carbohydrate foods every two hours to keep levels steady.
The banana is used as the dietary food against intestinal disorders because of its soft texture and smoothness. It is the only raw fruit that can be eaten without distress in over-chronicler cases. It also neutralizes over-acidity and reduces irritation by coating the lining of the stomach.
Many other cultures see bananas as a 'cooling' fruit that can lower both the physical and emotional temperature of expectant mothers. In Thailand , for example, pregnant women eat bananas to ensure their baby is born with a cool temperature.
So, a banana really is a natural remedy for many ills. When you compare it to an apple, it has FOUR TIMES the protein, TWICE the carbohydrate, THREE TIMES the phosphorus, five times the vitamin A and iron, and twice the other vitamins and minerals.. It is also rich in potassium and is one of the best value foods around So maybe its time to change that well-known phrase so that we say, 'A BANANA a day keeps the doctor away!'
PS: Bananas must be the reason monkeys are so happy all the time! I will add one here; want a quick shine on our shoes?? Take the INSIDE of the banana skin, and rub directly on the shoe...polish with dry cloth. Amazing fruit !!!
Waxing is painful and even when the pain is over many people get pimples or rash which are painful. What causes this bumps after waxing? Experts
say the pores open after the hair is pulled and broken and the bacteria sits in these open knuckles, causing the grains to boil.
1. Apply the Ointment the first few days to avoid boils.
2. Antibiotics on the affected parts can prevent the spread of germs and stains.
3. Do not use any hard soap after waxing. Rather, use plain water and lufa for bathing.
4. Wearing loose-fitting clothes. Wearing tight jeans, shirt or trousers can cause the skin to rub off clothing and may cause more problems due to the rashes.
5. If you rub or clean your skin with a pour stone, do not do so immediately after waxing. Wait for a few hours before using pumice stone
6. Always use ice after waxing. Then use a good moisturizer.
7. Applying fresh lemon juice, coconut oil or tea tree oil is also beneficial. Apply baby powder to avoid itching. These household recipes will cure waxing in a few days.
8. Do not scrape or itch with nails. If itches too much, rub the place with a soft cloth.
9. Avoid going to very hot or pollution-prone places immediately after waxing. In such an environment, the open knuckles are covered with dirt and dust that turn into boils.
10. Do not do waxing during periods. Your skin is more sensitive these days and may cause such problems.
This is done by removing impurities from the blood, in the liver, where toxins are processed for elimination.
The body also expels toxins through the kidneys, intestines, lungs, lymphatic system, and skin.
A detox program can help the body's natural cleansing process by:
Here are five ways in which you can detoxify your body system
Eat fresh food
The most important cause of toxin accumulation is consumption of highly fried, processed, refined & packaged foods.
Excessive oil, salt, and sugar act as toxins and lead to various health issues in the near future. Not just that, pesticide sprayed fruits and vegetables can be equally harmful to your body.
If you are looking forward to detoxifying your body, then it is important to free the body from undue strain. Choose organic fruits and veggies rather than consuming fast foods and processed foods.
Reduce to the minimum, your oil, salt, and sugar consumption.
It is sure to contribute to the body's welfare.
Drink plenty of water
When it comes to the detoxification of body system, water is king.
Water is not just essential for survival but is equally important for removal of unwanted toxins which have occupied a huge space in your body. And you can do this by consuming at least 4-5 liters of water per day.
Another important fact about water is that it does not only removes the impurities but helps in weight loss, combats skin issues and boosts one's energy levels to optimum.
You can throw in some orange segments and mint leaves, lemon wedges and mint leaves in order to prepare some detox water as this will make it more healthy.
Exercise is the culture of a healthy body. When you exercise there are immense sweating and sweating is a means by which the skin eliminates some toxins.
The skin is capable of removing metals like arsenic, lead, and mercury through sweat. Just like defecation and urination, sweating is an effective means of detoxification.
Exercising would not only help you in stay fit and healthy, it would also help you get rid of the unwanted toxins.
Running, jogging, front planks, squats, pushups and forward lunges are examples of exercises that can help detoxify the body.
Try fasting and go vegan for a day or two
It very okay to fast for a day or two and consume only fresh fruits and veggies as this would help give your digestive system a much-needed break that will help with adequate rejuvenation.
The result of this will not only make you feel light, it will also provide ample rest for your gut.
Have a green smoothie
Smoothies are not just tasty but are highly nutritious too. And they can be easily made using green leafy veggies like spinach and pumpkin leaves.
You can also add in cucumber, lettuce, beetroot, carrot, apple, banana to your glass of antioxidant rich drink. Try consuming it for your breakfast or as a late evening drink and feel refreshed.
This exercise would not only boost your immunity levels but will efficiently help you with the detoxification process.
In conclusion, it is very important to state here that the best way to detoxify the body is to eat fresh and clean.
And you can easily detox your body at home without any hassles as your body would thank you for letting it off the chemicals even if it’s for just a couple of days.
The combination of lavender with olive oil will give the skin the needed nutrients to make it smooth. This is because olive oil has great moisturising properties, including vitamin E and anti-oxidants, which help repair skin damage and hydrate dry skin. And lavender essential oil has antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory properties, which will help relieve the itchiness and irritation. Also, research shows that lavender essential oil helps to relax the mind and body, making it easier for you to fall asleep.
Mix 2 tablespoons of extra virgin olive oil and 1 or 2 drops of lavender essential oil.
Massage this mix into your dry skin before you to go to bed at night.
How To Use Cloves For Weight Loss
Cloves and weight loss
Cloves stimulate metabolism thereby helping in losing weight. The spice also has anticholesteremic and anti-lipid properties. When this powerful spice is combined with pepper, cinnamon and cumin seeds, it helps in increasing our metabolic rate, which ultimately helps us lose weight. Apart from this, cloves also contain antioxidants that reduce oxidative stress. The reduced oxidative stress decreases the risk of chronic disease. Cloves are also known to keep blood sugar under control.
The best way to consume clove for weight loss
You will need50 grams clove
50 grams cinnamon
50 grams cumin seeds
One of the most effective ways to soften dry skin is to use a milk bath. This is possible because of the following reasons
1. Milk is a highly effective moisturiser that soothes dry skin.
2. It contains lactic acid, which has healing and anti-inflammatory benefits, helping the skin retain much needed moisture.
3. It also helps exfoliates dead skin cells, while improving the skin’s natural moisture factor.
1. Soak a washcloth in milk and then place it on a dry or irritated patch for 10 minutes.
2. Then gently rinse off the milk. Use milk that’s heavy and thick for maximum hydration.
It is a well known fact that antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties help soothe irritated skin and provide a cooling effect. Aloe vera also promotes collagen and elastin production, thereby increasing the skin’s elasticity and suppleness. All in all, aloe vera gel is a skincare must have! While there are aloe vera lotions and creams available, it’s best to use fresh aloe gel.
Extract the gel from an aloe leaf and apply the fresh gel on to your skin. Massage it in so that it is absorbed into the skin. Do this at night before going to bed and leave the gel on overnight. Store the remaining gel in an airtight container in a cool place.
FG warned Nigerians to desist from the use of chemicals to forced ripening food items
Nigeria : The Federal Competition and Consumer Protection Commission (FCCPC), formerly CPC, had warned Nigerians to desist from the use of chemicals especially calcium carbide to forced and artificial ripening fruits, vegetables, and other food items.
Calcium carbide is commonly use to hasten the ripening of oranges and mangoes. Calcium carbide (CaC2) is a chemical compound containing arsenic and phosphorus, which have been scientifically proven to contain harmful carcinogenic properties that are harmful and capable of serious adverse effects and possible fatalities associated with consumption of food containing them. FCCPC Chief Executive Babatunde Irukera advised consumers, retailers, farmers, and others in the produce value and distribution chain to desist from the harmful practice and to be vigilant in order to prevent consumption of artificially ripened produce using CaC2.
“The Commission is collaborating with other relevant regulators and stakeholders in the food security value chain to prevent this continuing practice, sensitize and educate stakeholders, as well as interdict and confiscate produce already otherwise compromised by exposure”, it added.
“One way of detecting fruits or produce artificially ripened in this manner is careful physical examination before purchase. Forcefully ripened fruits usually do not have uniform colours, appear with yellow and green patches, are hard in texture, low in flavor, less juicy and often will not be as sweet as they should be.
“Consumers are advised to exercise caution and vigilance by examining what they purchase and intend to consume. In addition, it is always helpful to make routine inquiries before purchases, wait till the peak seasons for specific fruits arrive, and thoroughly wash farm produce before consumption”.
31 plant species used for the traditional management of prostrate enlargement BPH
List of 31 plant species used for the traditional management of prostrate enlargement BPH, included
1. Abrus precatorius (Oju ologbo);
2. Adenopus breviflorus (Tagiri);
3. Alligator Pepper (Atare);
4. pineapple;
5. bamboo leaves;
6. giant milk weed (Bomubomu);
7. chili pepper;
8. pawpaw;
9. african star apple (Agbalumo);
10. lime;
11. coconut
12. kola nut;
13. sand paper leaf (Epin)
14. bitter kola.
15. Grewia pubescens (Afoforo);
6. Heliotropium indicum (Ogberi-akuko);
17. Ipomoea involucrate (Alukerese);
18. Jatropha curcas (physic nut, Botuje or lapalapa);
19. Jatropha gossypiifolia (wild cassava or Botuje pupa);
20. Musanga cecreopioides (umbrella tree or Aga);
21. Opuntia dillenii (prickly pear or Oro agogo);
22. leaves of Portulaca oleraceae (Esinsan-Omode)
23. sugarcane.
24. Securidaca longepedunculata (violet tree or Ipeta);
25. Senna alata (candle bush or Asurun oyinbo);
26. Senna podocarpa (Asurun ijebu);
27. Sida acuta (broomweed or Isekotu);
28. leaves of Spondias mombin (hog plum or Iyeye);
29. Uvaria chamae (Eruju);
30. bitter leaf; and
31. Xylopia aethiopica (ethiopian pepper or Eeru).
10 Top Herbal Recipes For Treating Prostrate Enlargement
- Peel pawpaw and green pineapple, soak them in water before boiling for thirty minutes. Half a glass is to betaken every morning.
- Grind the root of securidaca longepedunculata and the stem of sugarcane with Trona. Squeeze out the juice and filter into a bottle. A glass is to be taken daily.
- Dried seeds of Chrysophyllum albidum (Agbalumo) are ground into powder and dissolved in the juice obtained from Musanga cecropioides. A cup of the preparation is taken once daily.
- Bitter kolas are ground with Trona and the derived powder is then added to the lime juice. Two small glasses of the preparation are to be taken.
- Leaves of bamboo, unripe pineapple, leaves of spondias mombin, and leaves of portulaca oleraceae are put together in a pot, trona (kaun –Yoruba) is also added and the mixture is then boiled with water for about 35 minutes. Half a glass is to be taken once daily.
- Another recipe involved grinding dried seed of bitter kola into powder and mixing it with the latex from Opuntia dillenii. This is moulded into pills and air-dried. One pill is to be taken once in five days.
- Grind three alligator pepper with the leaves of Abrus precatorius and Trona into powder. Take the seeds of Adenopus breviflorus and Calotropis procera burn them together and sieve the ashes. The obtained powder is then mixed together and dissolved in the coconut liquid. Two small glasses of the preparation are to be taken frequently to ease urination.
- Boil the root of Uvaria chamae with palm wine and water for about 35 minutes. A spoonful of the decoction is to be taken twice daily.
- The fresh leaves of bitter leaf are squeezed in water. A glassful is to be taken four times daily.
- Leaves of Grewia pubescens are thoroughly washed, boiled in clean water and allowed to cool. A glassful is to be taken three times daily.
Meaning, Causes & Prevention of Kidney Stones
The function of the kidneys are removal of waste and fluid from your blood to make urine. When you have too much of certain wastes and not enough fluid in your blood, these wastes can build up and stick together in your kidneys. These clumps of waste are called kidney stones.
One of the ways to prevent kidney stones is to pay attention to good hydration. The best recommendation by experts to prevent most kidney stones is to drink enough fluids every day.
Kidney stone treatment depends on the size of the stone, what it is made of, whether it is causing pain and whether it is blocking your urinary tract.
How to reduce body odour
The first thing is to maintain cleanliness.
Shower at least once a day to wash away sweat and get rid of bacteria on your skin. Wash thoroughly, especially the areas where you tend to sweat particularly your underarms (armpits) and groin.
Use antibacterial soap and towel-dry yourself completely, paying close attention to any areas where you sweat a lot.
Keep your armpits clean.
Wash them regularly using anti-bacterial soap, and the number of bacteria will be kept low, resulting in less body odour. Armpit hair slows down the evaporation of sweat, giving the bacteria more time to break it down into smelly substances. So it’s a good idea to shave your armpits regularly. If your skin is dry, it’s harder for bacteria that cause body odour to breed. You may use antiperspirants on your underarms. Also use deodorant twice a day — once in the morning and once in the evening. Keep your clothes clean and change clothes often when you’re sweating heavily. Fresh clothes help keep body odour down.
Change your socks as well, especially if you tend to have foot odour.
Use deodorant powders in your shoes and go barefoot when possible.
What you eat affects your body odour.
Foods that tend to make you sweat more, such as hot peppers or other spicy foods, might also lead to body odour. The aroma of foods like onions or garlic can be carried in your sweat. Drinks containing caffeine or alcohol may also make you sweat more.
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How Energy Drinks May Affects Heart Rhythms
Energy drinks are packed with caffeine and other ingredients, such as guarana, taurine, ginseng, and B vitamins, that will help it to boost concentration, improve physical performance, and reduce fatigue.However, researchers say, these drinks May be bad for our heart.
“Consuming energy drinks raises important safety concerns,” according to the NCCIH, with twice as many emergency department visits related to energy drinks recorded in 2011 than in 2007.In the largest randomized, controlled clinical trial on the subject to date, researchers from the University of the Pacific in Stockton, CA, along with collaborators from other institutions, identify how energy drink consumption affects the heart.
Heart rhythm alteredFor the study, published in the Journal of the American Heart Association, lead study author Sachin A. Shah, a professor of pharmacy practice at the University of the Pacific, enrolled 34 adults aged 18 to 40.After an overnight fast, the volunteers consumed two 16-ounce bottles of either one of two energy drinks or a placebo, which contained carbonated water, lime juice, and cherry flavoring.
The study was double-blinded, meaning that neither the participants nor the researchers knew who drank which product.The researchers then measured the volunteers’ heart rhythms with standard electrocardiogram and blood pressure readings every 30 minutes for a total of 4 hours.
Here they found a significant change in the time that the chambers of the heart needed to contract and relax. This measure is called the QT interval. The length of the QT interval is linked to a person’s heart rate, so scientists often use a corrected version, called QTc, that takes heart rate into account.A QTc interval of 450 milliseconds (ms) in men and 460 ms in women is considered the maximum for a healthy heart rhythm.
When this number rises — a phenomenon termed QT interval propagation — a person’s risk of experiencing life-threatening arrhythmia, or disturbance of the heart’s normal beat, and sudden cardiac death increases.While consumption of the placebo drink caused a maximum change in QTc interval of an average of 11.9 ms, the two energy drinks resulted in average maximum changes of 17.9 ms and 19.6 ms.
Importantly, the researchers saw significant changes in the QTc interval length up to 4 hours after the volunteers had consumed the energy drinks.In the paper, the authors comment that “According to the [Food and Drug Administration (FDA)], QTc prolongation is a well-established risk factor for arrhythmias, with a prolongation over 10 ms prompting further investigation.”
Having difficulty with breathing should be treated as a medical emergency
A General Physician, Dr Victor Fayomi, says having difficulty with breathing, chest pain and tightness should be treated as a medical
emergency, saying it can be a sign of underlying health condition. Fayomi, who works with a Private Hospital in Gwagalada, said that difficulty with breathing was also called dyspnoea in medical terms.
He said that this breathing difficulty could be mild, moderate or severe in nature when experienced and that dyspnoea occurs across all age groups.“It can be of gradual or sudden onset depending on the underlining cause,’’ Fayomi said.
On some of the causes, the expert said that they could come under numerous medical classifications.“However, for ease of comprehension, I will just mention a few of these numerous causes, especially the ones most people are familiar with.
“These include common cold and flu, anxiety and panic attacks, choking, aspiration of food particles and fluid into the lungs, asthma, allergies, pneumonia, heart failure, low red blood cell level and blood clot in the lungs.
“Other causes include obesity, lung cancer, pulmonary tuberculosis, trauma which may cause air or fluid compressing against the lungs in the chest wall, and upper airway obstruction which may be from aspiration of foreign bodies,’’ he said.
Fayomi said that management would depend on the underlining pathology and that it was best managed in the hospital by a medical doctor.He said that preventive measures also depend on knowing the triggers for the potential pathology one is at risk of, and avoiding these triggers.
“For example, dust, smoke, pollens, hair from cats and extremes of emotions are triggers for an asthmatic attack in a known asthma patient, and as such, the patient should avoid these.
“People who become breathless easily, anxiety and panic attacks would also do well not to entertain worry or situations that may lead to worrying.
“Obesed persons who experience breathing difficulties are also advised to work on weight reduction,’’ Fayomi advised.
According to him, incidence of heart failure will greatly reduced if patients are compliant with their drugs and follow their doctor’s advice effectively.
Fayomi, however, advised parents to prevent their wards or children from objects, small enough to get down the nose and airways.(NAN)
Ulcer patients can observe Ramadan fast by avoiding foods that cause them problems - Surgeon
A Consultant Plastic Surgeon with the University of Ilorin Teaching Hospital (UITH), Prof Ismail Adigun says ulcer patients can observe Ramadan fast by avoiding foods that cause them problems.
Adigun said in an interview that ulcer patients should be able to realise the type of food that precipitates the ulcer in them. He said that some ulcer patients react to fried foods, while some react to roughage foods such as garri. The Surgeon advises people to reduce the consumption of hot, spicy and acidic-containing foods as they tend to irritate the digestive tract. According to him, the best alternative for ulcer patients who want to fast is to vary their food intake throughout Ramadan to include all the essential nutrients such as carbohydrates, proteins, fat, vitamins and fibres.
He warned that fried, fatty and acid-containing foods and fruits such as citrus fruits like lemons, limes, grapefruits and oranges, along with tomato-based products contain acids.
“Therefore, patients should be moderate when breaking their fast, eating in smaller portions, but more frequently.
“For instance, start off with dates and light food before giving it a rest, later it can be followed by the main meal,” he said.
Ramadan is the ninth month of the Islamic calendar, during which it is obligatory for all healthy adult Muslims to fast during daytime. According to Islamic rules, those who cannot fast due to illness or who have severe discomfort during fasting are exempted from Ramadan fast. (NAN)
Can avocados curb hunger?
The avocado is widely hailed as a super food. With its creamy green flesh, it adorns dishes of all varieties and features in breakfasts,
lunches, and dinners.
The fruit contains a rare combination of healthful fats and fiber and is associated with a host of health benefits.
A new study in the journal Nutrients now adds more evidence to consider, by showing that overweight or obese volunteers who had eaten avocado as part of a meal felt less hungry after six hours, compared with those who had eaten a low-fat, high-carbohydrate meal.But there is a rub. This study received funding from the Hass Avocado Board (HAB) and is not the first of its kind with such backing.But should this deter us from swapping carbohydrate for avocado?
Meals with avocados reduced hungerBritt Burton-Freeman, Ph.D., an associate professor of food science and nutrition and director of the Center for Nutrition Research at the Illinois Institute of Technology, in Chicago, is the senior study author.
The team set out to test the effects of replacing carbohydrate with avocado in a meal on satiety, which is the feeling of fullness and reduction in appetite that we experience when we eat.
The study included 31 participants who were overweight or obese. The volunteers ate a breakfast meal consisting of a bagel sandwich, honeydew melon, oatmeal, and a lemonade-flavored drink on three separate occasions
Reasons why replacing sugar with honey is an unhealthy choice
Regardless of the argument as to whether honey has many health benefits over table sugar, many consumers are being misled by claims about honey.
Unfortunately, its consumers are also adding it in excessive quantities to food and drink in the mistaken belief that it is healthy. But swapping sugar for honey is not a healthy diet choice.
Analysis on 223 kinds of honey, sugars and syrups, all widely available in United Kingdom supermarkets, by Action on Sugar found that honey can be up to 86 per cent free sugars, while maple syrup can be made of 88 per cent free sugars.It found that adding a 7gm teaspoon of honey to a cup of tea added about 6gm of free sugar, while adding a teaspoon of table sugar would add 4gm.
Also, a portion (15mls) of maple syrup added to porridge contained 13.1gm of total sugars, only a little less than 15gm of table sugar. Honey, the sweet liquid produced by honeybees (Apis mellifera), is composed of about 40 per cent fructose, in contrast to the 50 per cent fructose in table sugar and between 40 and 90 per cent fructose in high-fructose corn syrup.
Although honey is often promoted as a healthier option to table sugar because it is natural, Mrs Taibat Oduneye, a dietitian at the University College Hospital (UCH), Ibadan, Oyo State, stated that its use in excess could have an adverse effect in the long run.
Mrs Oduneye said honey, like table sugar, is a form of carbohydrate, adding that its intake can also make blood sugar level to increase.
According to her, “Honey is safe to use, but an excess of it can have a bad effect on the body or blood glucose level, as is applicable to a diabetes patient. So, it is not something to be used freely.
For diabetic patients, we do not encourage its use as an alternative to sugar, no matter how natural it may be.
”She declared that in Nigeria, a lot of adulterated or diluted honey is on sale, despite marketing gimmicks like people testing it with flame, checking if ants would hover around it or it will dissolve in water.
Study says Foot ulcer constitutes 25% diabetes-related hospital admissions in Nigeria
In a new study, experts say that the high burden of diabetic foot ulcer accounted for about a quarter of diabetes-related hospital admissions
in Nigeria.Researchers in a multi-centre evaluation of diabetic foot ulcer in Nigeria over a year period in six tertiary hospitals in Nigeria recorded high amputation and mortality rates of 35.4 per cent and 20.5 per cent respectively.
They had evaluated the patients’ profile, ulcer characteristics, associated co-morbidities and outcome of 336 patients with a diabetic foot ulcer in Nigeria. The majority (96.1 per cent) had type 2 diabetes.
Only 25.9 per cent of the subjects had prior foot care knowledge. Most of the subjects presented late to the hospital and ulcers were already advanced in 79.2 per cent of the subjects while 76.8 per cent of the ulcers were infected at the time of admission.In addition, 14.6 per cent of the subjects in this study were unaware of their diabetes status until they presented with a foot ulcer.
Aside from diabetes, the commonest diseases in these patients were hypertension, anaemia and hyperglycemic emergencies. One hundred and nineteen subjects (35.4 per cent) suffered lower extreme amputation(LEA) while 10.4 per cent left against medical advice. The median duration of hospitalisation was 52 days with a case fatality rate of 20.5 per cent.
The 2019 study entitled “Burden of Diabetic Foot Ulcer in Nigeria: Current Evidence from the Multicentre Evaluation of Diabetic Foot Ulcer in Nigeria” was published in the World Journal of Diabetes.
Why pepper soup can boost libido
Food and sex have a long, complicated history. For years people have talked about some foods that work on both psychosomatic and physiological levels. Supported in part by mythological beliefs and in part by actual science, pepper soup garnished with scent leaf can help boost sex drive.
Researchers show that many condiments of pepper soup such as scent leaf, nutmeg and African black pepper can significantly impact sex drive.
Extracts of these spices have been shown to enhance libido in animal trials, which offers promise for humans, too. In a new study, researchers said scent leaf reduces the key enzymes relevant to poor libido in penile and testicular tissues of rats.
For the study, the researchers tested water extracts of scent leaf on penile and testicular tissues of rats under laboratory conditions and said it has similar effect to sildenafil, a conventional sex-enhancing drug, although with a less effectiveness.
They declared that scent leaves work by boosting smooth muscle relaxation leading to penile erection. In addition, its chemical constituents are, also scavengers for free radicals in the body. Free radicals are involved in the development of several disorders including erectile dysfunction.
This 2019 study involved researchers at the Afe Babalola University, Ado-Ekiti in conjunction with others at the University of Kwazulu-Natal in South Africa. It was published in the BMC Complementary and Alternative Medicine journal.Scent leaf is thought to originate from Asia and Africa. In Nigeria and other parts of the world, it is used as a traditional vegetable condiment and oral care products.
Previously in a study, rats fed with scent leaf supplemented diet over a six months period experienced an increased number of spermatozoa, suggesting its capacity to enhance reproductive ability.
Also, another study revealed that extract of scent leaf significantly increased the sexual behaviours of normal male albino mice in a dose-dependent ratio, without causing an ulcer or adverse effects of conventional sex-enhancing drugs like nasal congestion, headache and visual aberrations.
Moreover, a healthy blood flow can do wonders for a man’s libido by increasing circulation to the sexual organs. Foods that increase circulation include garlic, chilli peppers, African black pepper and ginger. They contain allicin, which dilates blood vessels and thins the blood.
In certain parts of Eastern Nigeria, men would usually request “ofe-n’gwere” (emergency soup), which contain spices like African black pepper in the night to get charged or induce sexual desire. Thus, the inclusion of African black pepper in the diet may help prevent poor erection and low libido.
Source: tribuneonlineng
There are few numbers of black men becoming a Doctor in the United States and many reasons are given for the cause. The following are three major reasons for the lowadmission of blackmen into medical school.
1. HISTORY: According to Dr. Louis Sullivan, president emeritus and founding dean of the Morehouse School of Medicine and the secretary of health under President George H.W. Bush, history plays a big role in the current shortage of male African-American physicians.“Blacks, and especially black males, have always been underrepresented in medicine,” Sullivan told NBC News. “This stems from slavery and legally enforced segregation.”
2. COST: cost is as much an issue as anything. Given that many black men come from low-income families. The cost of attending medical school is too high a burden to put on their families.Many black students are underfunded. The majority of black doctors come from only three or four historically black colleges and universities — Spelman, Howard, Xavier and Morehouse.Dr. Nivet said. "Those institutions need more resources, both federal and philanthropic, based on their great and historic track record of sending African-Americans to medical school.”
Black students often attend underperforming schools in urban areas or come from low-income families, or both. Even those who are successful in math and science or come from higher-income families are often discouraged from applying by misguided college counselors who cite the high cost of attendance and the perceived lack of preparedness they would encounter if accepted as reasons why.
According to Dr. Nivet “The obstacles start early and it’s hard not to appreciate the interplay between socioeconomic status and race. To make matters worse, many black men don’t have examples of black doctors in their lives. You can't imagine being what you don't see,” he added.
Results show that the safest level of drinking is none
A drink is defined as 12 ounces of beer, four ounces of wine, or 1.5 ounces of 80-proof spirits.
It should be noted that alcohol kills 2.8 million people every year globally, causing cancer, heart disease and road accidents and even by worsening tuberculosis.They found no evidence that light drinking might help keep people healthy and said there’s no evidence that drinking any alcohol at all improves health.
Dr. Max Griswold of the Institute for Health Metrics and Evaluation at the University of Washington said:
“Although the health risks associated with alcohol start off being small with one drink a day, they then rise rapidly as people drink more.
“Previous studies have found a protective effect of alcohol on some conditions, but we found that the combined health risks associated with alcohol increase with any amount of alcohol.”
The large international team, which included hundreds of researchers, examined data from more than 1,000 studies.Alcohol use comes in seventh as an overall cause of death, said the team, whose work was funded by the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation.But it was the leading risk factor for early death in 2016 for people aged 15 to 49, they found. Alcohol use caused death by injury, by self-harm and by worsening tuberculosis in this group, the team found.
For older people, cancer is the most common fatal health consequence of drinking. Men who drank an average of seven drinks a day as teenagers had three times the risk of developing prostate cancer later in life.
It’s probably because alcohol damages developing cells, said the senior editor of the study, Emma Allott, who teaches nutrition at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill.“
The prostate is an organ that grows rapidly during puberty, so it’s potentially more susceptible to carcinogenic exposure during the adolescent years,” Allott said in a statement.
“We also found a positive association between higher cumulative lifetime alcohol intake and high-grade prostate cancer diagnosis,” the team wrote in their report, published in Cancer Prevention Research.
The University of Washington team said governments need to counter prevailing theories suggesting that modest alcohol use can be beneficial.
“The widely held view of the health benefits of alcohol needs revising, particularly as improved methods and analyses continue to show how much alcohol use contributes to global death and disability,” the team wrote.
“Our results show that the safest level of drinking is none. This level is in conflict with most health guidelines, which espouse health benefits associated with consuming up to two drinks per day.”
They found that globally, a third of all people drink alcohol of some sort. That includes 25 percent of women and 39 percent of men.
Governments should act to discourage drinking, they recommended.
“Worldwide, we need to revisit alcohol control policies and health programs, and to consider recommendations for abstaining from alcohol,” Emmanuela Gakidou, a professor of global health at the University of Washington, said in a statement.
“These include excise taxes on alcohol, controlling the physical availability of alcohol and the hours of sale, and controlling alcohol advertising.”
70% of Americans Don't Realize Alcohol is a Major Risk Factor for CancerOutside experts agreed.
“The conclusions of the study are clear and unambiguous: alcohol is a colossal global health issue,” Robyn Burton of King’s College London wrote in a commentary.
The U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention and the American Heart Association both say men can safely drink up to two alcoholic drinks a day and women up to a drink a day, although neither group recommends that people start drinking.
Alcohol-related liver disease on the rise
According to a new study, there are severe alcohol-related liver disease on the rise, which experts say may be due to heavy binge drinking, especially
in young adults.
According to the study published in JAMA, researchers found that while there has been little change in the rate of people developing alcoholic fatty liver disease, there appears to be an increase in those who are at greater risk of cirrhosis, liver cancer and death.
The study’s lead author, Dr. Robert Wong, an assistant clinical professor of medicine and director of research and education at the Alameda Health System-Highland Hospital was quoted saying:
“I think what triggered me to do this study was seeing a lot of patients with advanced alcoholic fatty liver disease.
“The most concerning finding was that the number of patients with more advanced disease, which increases the risk of dying, increased significantly over the time period we studied.”
It should be noted that alcoholic liver disease is one of the leading causes of death in the United States, as nearly 250,000 deaths were attributed to the disease in 2010.
A 2016 study showed that it’s become the number one reason for liver transplants in the U.S.”
The quantity of alcohol alcohol that at was considered enough to cause liver damage according to the study was two or more drinks per day for women and three or more drinks per day for men.
Dr. Elliot Tapper, a liver disease specialist and assistant professor at the University of Michigan who was also the lead author of a former study that found increasing numbers of young people dying because of alcohol-related liver disease said:
“it’s clear that there are many more sick livers out there due to alcohol,”“If you were to come with me on my rounds in the hospital you’d see that in every other room there is a 28-year-old or a 30-year-old with severe liver disease,” Tapper said.
The rising rate of binge drinking is considered the number one reason for the increase of liver disease in young people.
“There have been studies in the last few years that suggest that amongst millennials about 40 percent will report binge drinking in the past month,” Tapper said.
“That means it’s basically become a part of the culture for the American millennial. There’s no historical precedent for that.”
Tapper said he believes that consuming seven to 14 drinks in a binge is far worse for the liver than drinking one to two drinks per day.
Dr. Sammy Saab, a professor of medicine and surgery and head of outcomes research in hepatology at the David Geffen School of Medicine at the University of California, Los Angeles said one issue the new study didn’t raise was the increasing rates of liver disease in women “What we are seeing now is an explosion of young women with liver disease,” Saab said. “Young women are dying in their 30s and 40s.”
Saab said he was happy that, the new study “does bring more attention to a very serious problem that’s been ignored for many years.”
Is dementia the same as Alzheimer's?
No - dementia is a symptom found in many diseases of the brain.Memory loss is the most common feature of dementia, particularly the struggle to remember recent events.
Other symptoms can include changes to behaviour, mood and personality, becoming lost in familiar places or being unable to find the right word in a conversation.It can reach the point where people don't know they need to eat or drink.
Alzheimer's disease is by far the most common of the diseases that cause dementia. Others include vascular dementia, dementia with Lewy bodies, fronto-temporal dementia, Parkinson's disease dementia, amyotrophic lateral sclerosis and the newly discovered Late.
Women at increased risk of heart attack, stroke if they use antibiotics for more than two months —Research
Experts say the long-term use of antibiotics wipes out healthy bacteria in the gut – creating an imbalance that increases inflammation, narrows blood vessels and ends up damaging the heart.
They think this creates a cumulative effect, so the more frequently a woman uses antibiotics during her lifetime, the greater the eventual risk.
The researchers, who tracked 36,500 women in the US, found over-60s who used antibiotics for more than two months were 32 per cent more likely to develop heart disease in the next eight years than those not taking the drugs.
For younger women aged under 40, there was no discernible effect. Researcher, Dr Yoriko Heianza, from Tulane University in New Orleans, said: ‘By investigating the duration of antibiotic use in various stages of adulthood we have found an association between long-term use in middle age and later life and an increased risk of stroke and heart disease during the following eight years. ‘As these women grew older, they were more likely to need more antibiotics, and sometimes for longer periods of time, which suggests a cumulative effect may be the reason for the stronger link in older age between antibiotic use and cardiovascular disease.’
The researchers, who published their findings in the European Heart Journal, stressed that even though the overall relative risk increased, for each individual the absolute risk remained small.For every 1,000 women taking antibiotics for at least two months, just six would be likely to experience damage to their hearts or arteries, they said.
Antibiotics are designed to kill dangerous bacteria that cause illness and infection
But in the process they also destroy beneficial bacteria, altering the balance of the gut ecosystem and increasing the risk of viruses, harmful bugs and infectious fungal organisms.
Fellow researcher Professor Lu Qi, an expert in nutrition at Harvard School of Public Health, said: ‘Antibiotic use is the most critical factor in altering the balance of microorganisms in the gut.
‘Previous studies have shown a link between alterations in the microbiotic environment of the gut and inflammation and narrowing of the blood vessels, stroke and heart disease.’
The study is the largest long-term investigation of the link between antibiotic use and heart disease ever carried out. The most common reasons for the women taking antibiotics were lung infections, urinary tract infections, and dental problems.
Professor Qi added: ‘Our study suggests that antibiotics should be used only when they are absolutely needed. ‘Considering the potentially cumulative adverse effects, the shorter time of antibiotic use the better.’
The NHS is desperately trying to reduce antibiotic use in a bid to avert the looming superbugs crisis. This is because overuse of antibiotics triggers the evolution of harmful bacteria to resist treatment. The more antibiotics are used, the stronger superbugs become – and yet no new class of antibiotics have gone on sale since the 1980s.More than 3,000 people a year already die in Britain as a result of the superbugs crisis and the NHS spends £180million a year tackling the problem. Courtesy: dailymail.co.uk
Vaginal infection is why some women deliver premature babies
Women often question why they end up with premature babies, but in a new study, experts say that overwhelming vaginal infection in pregnancy may explain some casesof premature and low birthweight babies.
In the study, researchers said such an imbalance of naturally occurring bacteria found in a woman’s vagina can also predispose a woman to having a stillbirth.
The researchers at the Olabisi Onabanjo University Teaching Hospital (OOUTH), Sagamu, Ogun State had looked at how bacteria vaginosis, an upset in the natural balance of bacteria in the vagina of a woman, can cause problems for her baby during pregnancy.
Professor Adewale Sule-Odu, the principal investigator of this Tertiary Education Trust Fund-supported study, stated that the vagina contains mostly “good” bacteria and some harmful bacteria. He declared that bacteria vaginosis occurs when the harmful bacteria grow in numbers, adding that a vagina should contain bacteria called lactobacilli that produce lactic acid to make the vagina slightly acidic and prevents other bacteria from growing there.
Professor Sule-Odu said activities such as frequent douching and the use of cotton wool or tissue paper to clean up after sex can predispose women to bacterial vaginosis, adding that in some cases, it comes with abnormal vaginal discharge, itching or odour.
He declared, “it can portend some adversity for the baby.”The study had recruited 408 pregnant women in their third trimester receiving antenatal care at the hospital between June 2017 and May 2018.
They reported preterm delivery and birth asphyxia in 10.3 per cent and 29.6 per cent respectively in women with abnormal vaginal flora but no stillbirth babies.
The researchers compared the colour, homogeneity and consistency of vaginal secretions of these pregnant women at the onset of the study with when they go into labour. These were pregnant women who had no history of bleeding through the vagina, drainage of amniotic fluid, medical complications of pregnancy or who did not take antibiotics in the preceding two weeks of the study commenced. They treated pregnant women found with abnormal vagina flora with appropriate antibiotics, alongside their husbands to prevent reinfection.
After treatment, the percentage of pregnant women with abnormal vagina flora at labour reduced from 33 per cent to 14.4 per cent. The proportion of pregnant women with normal vagina flora during the antenatal period rose from 5.5 per cent to 23.9 per cent.
The researchers submitted that the prevalence of bacterial vaginosis is high in Nigerian pregnant women and its treatment in them is important for good foetal outcome. They, therefore, asked that antenatal screening for bacterial vaginosis should be included in the routine antenatal care investigations.
Dr Bayo Akadri said the study also found vaginal candidiasis, an organism that in pregnancy is associated with problems like prelabour rupture of amniotic membrane, preterm labour, preterm births and low birth weight babies in 38 per cent of the pregnant women studied.
According to him, vaginal candidiasis, which is commoner in pregnancy than non-pregnant women, is usually discomforting to pregnant women.
Dr Akadri declared, “This study also showed that women who were colonised with C.albicans had poorer foetal outcomes than those with non-albicans candida species.
“Vaginal Candida infection is common in pregnancy and appears to be associated with increased risk of adverse foetal outcomes. Screening for Candida vaginitis should be incorporated in routine antenatal care for early diagnosis and prompt treatment.”
In a new study, researchers found extracts of cashew leaf is able to kill germs that cause urinary tract infections like Klebsiella pneumoniae, Escherichia coli and Staphylococcus aureus. Ethanol and water fraction of the extract respectively have the highest activity against Staphylococcus aureus, while Escherichia coli, Klebsiella pneumoniae during the antibacterial screening.A urinary tract infection (UTI) is an infection in any part of the urinary system — the kidneys, ureters, bladder and urethra. Most infections involve the lower urinary tract — the bladder and the urethra.A bladder infection may cause pelvic pain, increased urge to urinate, pain with urination and blood in the urine. A kidney infection may cause back pain, nausea, vomiting and fever.In a study to determine the prevalence of urinary tract infection (UTI) in Okada, a rural community in Nigeria, women are at greater risk of developing a UTI than men. This study also indicated that Escherichia coli was the most prevalent isolate generally. In females, while Staphylococcus aureus was the predominant isolate causing urinary tract infection in males. The study reported that the resulting extracts were active against the entire three selected microorganisms. The extracts killed the Staphylococcus aureus, Escherichia coli and Klebsiella pneumoniae at 2.0, 1.0, 0.5, 0.25, and 0.125 g/l except Klebsiella pneumoniae at 0.125 g/l. However, the two extracts inhibited the growth of the entire three selected organisms at 0.0625 g/l.The 2019 study in the Journal of Advances in Medicine and Medical Research involved I. A. Hassan, I. Abdulraheem, H. O. Emun and O. M. Shonowo at the Lagos State Polytechnic, Ikorodu, Lagos State.
Based on the findings of this work, them researchers said the leaf extract of cashew tree dissolved in distilled water and ethanol with estimated concentration have good potential for the development of antibacterial drugs.
Cashew leaf can be use as herbal remedy to cure urinary tract infections
The cashew leaf and other plants are extensively used in traditional and Ayurvedic medicines for the treatment of various diseases such as malaria, asthma, diarrhoea, dysentery, leprosy, internal worm infections, constipation, wart and sore throat.
The shell of the cashew seed yields derivatives that can be used in many applications including lubricants, waterproofing, paints, and arms production, starting in World War II. The cashew pulp can be processed into a sweet fruit drink or distilled into liquor.
Previously, researchers suggested that UTIs can be affected by one’s diet. In fact, most researchers say diet directly making the pH of urine slightly acidic can be beneficial for fighting off a UTI.
Diet is important in treating urinary tract infection. It supports the body’s immune system, reduce irritation in the healing process and help the body shed bacteria. For instance, garlic is a potent remedy for urinary tract infections. It has a variety of antimicrobial, anti-inflammatory properties and immune-modulatory effects. Crush five to six cloves of fresh garlic. Soak them in warm water for five to 10 minutes and drink the water throughout the day.
Eating cucumber throughout the day will encourage urine production to flush out harmful bacteria from the bladder and urethra. Researchers in 2012 Journal of European Archives of Oto-Rhino-Laryngology said cucumber is a juicy fruit and its seeds have diuretic properties, Studies have found that holding urine for a long time allows bacteria to multiply within the urinary tract, resulting in a urinary tract infection.
Eating fermented foods also helps to restore the body’s natural flora and recolonise the bladder with helpful bacteria. Some of the healthiest fermented foods include probiotic yoghurt and raw cheese. Research published in the Indian Journal of Urology explains that benign bacterial flora is crucial for preventing the overgrowth of microorganisms that lead to illness.Some lifestyle measures that may help, including drinking more water to flush out bacteria, or drinking green tea to ward off infection. Studies show that green tea can have an antimicrobial effect on E. coli bacteria that cause UTIs.In addition, research shows that green tea contains certain antioxidants that can reduce bladder inflammation
Mass layoffs has been linked to increased teen suicide attempts
According to a research conducted by Duke University, mass layoffs trigger increased suicide attempts and other suicide-related behaviors among some teenagers, especially black teens, says new research.
When 1 percent of a state's working population lost jobs, suicide-related behaviors increased by 2 to 3 percent among girls and black adolescents in the following year.It was discovered that among girls, thoughts of suicide and suicide plans rose.
Among black teens, thoughts of suicide, suicide plans and suicide attempts all increased.
When the scientists delved deeper into the relationship between CMDs and living alone, they found that loneliness explained 84% of the association.
Earlier studies had shown that loneliness is linked with depression and anxiety. Others still had investigated whether loneliness might increase mortality risk.
During what some experts call a "loneliness epidemic," this finding is particularly important. Similarly, because ill mental health is a growing concern, understanding the risk factors associated with CMDs might help turn the tide.Of course, not everyone who lives alone is lonely. However, for those who are, interventions to tackle loneliness are available. These may include talking therapies, social care provisions, and animal-based interventions.
The next and most challenging step is to find ways to ensure that people in need get access to these tools. The researchers acknowledge certain limitations to the study. For instance, this was a cross-sectional study, meaning that it looked at a snapshot of people at one point in time. The authors call for longitudinal studies to ascertain how this relationship might play out over time.
As with any study of this nature, assessing cause and effect is not possible: Did a person develop a CMD because they lived alone, or did they develop a CMD and then decide to live alone? Or, perhaps, someone with a predisposition for CMDs is more likely to want to live alone.
As ever, scientists will need to carry out more work to fill in the gaps.Earlier findings back up these results, but the new findings also go a few steps further; they show that the relationship between mental health and living alone is stable across time, that the link is not restricted to older adults, and that loneliness plays a pivotal role.
Why is dementia becoming more common?
Answer - this is because we are living longer and the biggest risk factor for dementia is age.That is why huge increases in dementia cases are predicted for Asia and Africa.
Therefore, we can say dementia is the price we pay for progress in treating deadly infections, heart attacks and cancer.
Although there is an unexpected and hopeful trend emerging that has surprised some in the field - the proportion of elderly people getting dementia is falling in some countries.
According to studies, dementia rate (the number of cases per 1,000 people) falling in the UK, Spain and the US and stabilising in other countries.
This is due to improvements in areas like heart health and education which in turn benefit the brain.
Home remedies for mastitis
Meaning of Mastitis
Mastitis is an infection of the breast tissue that most commonly affects women who are breastfeeding. It often occurs within the first three months after delivery, but can happen any time during the breastfeeding period.
Generally, lactation mastitis affects only one breast, not both.It results from a blocked milk duct, causing milk to remain in the breast that may lead to infection. Another cause of breast infection is bacteria entering the breast through a break or crack on the nipple.
Some signs and symptoms of mastitis are breast pain, swelling, inflammation, redness, and tenderness or warmth to the touch. Other symptoms include fever and chills.
The condition can leave a mother exhausted, making it difficult to take care of her newborn baby.
If you have mastitis, it’s important that you continue breastfeeding. It does not pose any risk to your baby. In fact, it offers the added benefit of helping clear the infection in your breast. If breastfeeding becomes too painful, try pumping or hand-expressing your milk to prevent the milk ducts from clogging.
Hot and Cold Compresses
Both hot and cold compresses are useful in the treatment of mastitis. While a cold compress can help reduce swelling and relieve pain, a hot compress helps clear blockage, improve blood circulation and aid in milk flow.
- Prepare a hot compress by wrapping a hot water bottle in a thin towel.
- Prepare a cold compress by wrapping a few ice cubes in a thin towel.
- Now place the hot compress on the infected breast for 15 minutes.
- Next, apply the cold compress for 5 minutes.
- Repeat the cycle 2 or 3 times.
- Use this remedy as needed.
When suffering from mastitis, massage the affected breast. This will help unblock the plugged milk ducts and relieve swelling. Always massage from the outer breast toward the nipple in small circles, applying more pressure on the infected area.
- Prepare a massage oil by mixing together equal amounts of apricot and wheat germ oil. Use it to massage your breast using upward strokes. Do this a few times daily.
- Another option is to mix a few drops of camphor oil in 2 tablespoons of olive oil and use it to massage your breasts a few times day.
Note: Make sure to clean your nipples with warm water before breastfeeding your baby.
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4 Habits that can help increase longevity
Though, there are various lifestyle changes that can go a long way toward maximizing health and increasing longevity. However, diet has one
of the most significant effects on someone's health.
Avoid foods that are high in saturated fat, for example, and people should not forget to load up on fiber. Foods to limit include those with added salt and many processed foods, particularly those that have a lot of simple carbohydrates, including sugar.
Physical activity, activeness and exercise are another important factors of good health. Experts recommend 30 minutes of moderate activity 5 days a week to help stave off chronic health issues, including cardiovascular disease or type 2 diabetes and even some types of cancer.
Reducing or eliminating tobacco products and alcohol consumption can also help lengthen life.
Another factor that can increase longevity is to increase muscle power. Now, for the first time in history experts could consider increasing muscle power as another way to better one's health and increase longevity.
Consume less calories and arrest type 2 diabetes
According to a study consuming 850 calories a day for three months and then keeping the weight off can arrest type-2 diabetes for at least two years.The GP-led programme worked for more than a third of participating patients. The study report support earlier worksuggesting weight loss is one key solution and offers more time off medication than previously thought.
Experts say it challenges the view that type-2 diabetes is always a life-long, progressive condition.Type-2 diabetes affects one in 16 adults in the UK.
149 people in Scotland and Tyneside put on a 12-30-week low-calorie diet of shakes and drinks to help trigger weight loss. They were then reintroduced to solid meals over the next few weeks. After one year, 69 of them (46%) had gone into remission, compared with just 4% of people given standard treatment including pills. And after two years, 53 of them (36%) remained off medication and in remission.
Participants were encouraged to keep healthy through monthly meetings and had the option of a "rescue" plan including using the liquid diet again, if they gained weight.
'Not all about weight'
Prof Roy Taylor, an investigator on the trial at Newcastle University, said: "These results are a significant development and finally pull down the curtain on the era of type-2 diabetes as an inevitably progressive disease."Researchers said most of the weight-loss group whose diabetes had gone into remission had lost 10kg or more and maintained this weight loss during the trial.But Dr Nicola Guess, at King's College London, said weight loss was not the whole story."
Type-2 diabetes returned in a minority of people (16%) who kept off 15kg or more for two years," she said."
Further research is needed to help us understand why this is." It is possible that these people had type-2 diabetes for longer before losing weight or perhaps there might be dietary or genetic factors which contributed."
The study was funded by The charity Diabetes UK. The body said the findings were exciting but added: "We know type-2 diabetes is a complex condition and this approach will not work for everyone."
Even slightly overweight people were twice as likely to get Type 2 diabetes
A recent study revealed that people with a body mass index (BMI) of 30-35 were at 70% higher risk of developing heart failure than their healthy weight peers (18.5-25 BMI).
Public Health England said "sustained action" was needed to tackle obesity after the study of 2.8 million adults showed even slightly overweight people were twice as likely to get Type 2 diabetes .
The study conducted in the UK and which is to be presented at the European Congress on Obesity (ECO) in Glasgow, showed:
- For those with a BMI of 35-40, the risk of Type 2 diabetes was almost nine times higher, and 12 times higher for sleep apnoea
- People with severe obesity (BMI of 40-45) were 12 times more likely to develop Type 2 diabetes and had a risk of sleep apnoea that was 22 times greater
- People with a BMI of 40-45 had triple the risk of heart failure, high blood pressure, and dyslipidaemia (abnormal levels of cholesterol and other fats in the blood)
- BMI of 40-45 was also linked to a 50% higher risk of dying prematurely from any cause
BMI is calculated using the standard formula of a person's mass in kg divided by the square of their height in metres (kg/m2) and display it to one decimal place.Where a user's data is entered in imperial units, we first convert to metric and then carry out the BMI calculation.The BMI result is assigned to a standard category:Less than 18.5 - underweight18.5 to 24.9 - healthy weight25 to 29.9 - overweight30 to 39.9 - obese (split into two categories for the new study)40 and over - very obese (also known as morbidly obese)
Christiane Haase, of healthcare firm Novo Nordisk which funded the work, who is the study author said: "With the number of people living with obesity almost tripling worldwide over the past 30 years (105 million people in 1975 to 650 million in 2016), our findings have serious implications for public health."
5 ways to improve male libido
One thing we need to know that sexual health is an important part of our overall health. Therefore, it is important to acknowledge that sexual health is important, should be addressed, and a lot of diseases can be prevented if there is awareness about STDs, prevention and cure.
Men often suffer from sexual problems like erectile dysfunction.These problems have a direct impact on their sex lives and personal relationships. There are certain home remedies that men suffering from impotence can try, and gain better sexual health and sex lives.
1. Diet for better libido
Some foods are known to boost your libido and including them in your diet can help in treating impotency or erectile dysfunction and improve sexual health and sex life. Figs, bananas and avocados are libido-boosting foods and contain minerals and vitamins that can help improve libido and blood flow to the genital area.
2. Essential oils
Essential oils can help you relax, and if you are looking for a home remedy for impotence, essential oils can come in handy. Essential oils like the rose oil, lavender oil, cinnamon, basil and ginger oil are all proven to have positive effects on sexual health. These effects range from protecting the body against toxins, increasing sperm function and improve the functioning of the testicular tissue.
3. Exercise
Exercise is a part of a healthy lifestyle and following a healthy lifestyle can go a long way when it comes to health, even sexually. Exercise can help improve blood flow, sperm count and reduce symptoms and causes of impotence. Regular exercise can also help to keep other diseases and conditions like obesity, diabetes and heart attacks at bay.
4. Stress management
Stress has a very important role to play in your sexual health. From the feeling of wanting to be intimate with your partner or sex drive to your performance, everything is affected by how you manage or do not manage the stress.
5. Meditation and rest
Meditation and rest are important for your body for better overall health, and better sexual health. Being too tired physically or mentally can have an impact on your sex drive and sexual health. Make sure you provide your body enough rest and meditate to calm your mind down.
8 home remedies to relieve your child from chicken pox
1. keep the mittens on when the child’s sleeping to keep him or her from scratching while asleep.
2. Another important thing is trimming your child’s fingernails so they won’t cause affected areas to blister or bleed is also a good thing to do.
3. Chicken causes lot of scratching, so you can apply calamine lotion to help reduce itching. Calamine lotion is a topical barrier preparation containing zinc oxide and has skin-soothing properties. It’s one of the most commonly used interventions in chicken pox and has an excellent safety profile.Be sure to use clean fingers or a cotton swab to spread calamine lotion on itchy skin areas. Don’t use calamine lotion on or around the blisters on your eyes.
4. Another way to relieve your child of chicken pot is to bathe your child in oatmeal. While it seems outlandish, oatmeal baths can alleviate the itchiness caused by chicken pox. Taking an oatmeal bath won’t spread the chickenpox from one area of your skin to another.You can purchase oatmeal bath products at most drugstores. You can also apply oatmeal lotions to skin. This has a soothing and moisturizing effect on itchy chickenpox blisters.
5. Apart from oatmeal bathing, you can also give your child a baking soda bath to relieve itchiness. Add one cup of baking soda to a shallow, lukewarm bath. Soak for 15 to 20 minutes. Your child can take up to three baths a day if they find this approach soothing.
6. Serve sugar-free popsicles since chickenpox can also appear inside the mouth. These mouth sores can be especially painful. Encouraging a child to suck on sugar-free popsicles can be a good way to soothe mouth sores.
7. You can also try chamomile compresses to relieve your child from chicken pot. Chamomile tea can also soothe the chickenpox itch. Chamomile has antiseptic and anti-inflammatory effects when applied to your skin.Brew two to three chamomile tea bags and allow it to cool. Dip soft cotton pads or washcloths in the tea and apply to itching areas of skin. Always pat skin dry gently when done applying the compresses.
8. Chicken pot is also painful. Therefore giving your child pain reliever is not a bad idea to relieve the pain that goes with chicken pox.
10 home remedies for acne
Here are the best home remedies for acne, according to dermatologists.
1. Aspirin
Aspirin contains salicylic acid, which is also common in many topical acne products as an active ingredient. “Crush one aspirin in water and make a paste,” Debra Jaliman, a New York City based dermatologist and author of Skin Rules, told Health.com. She suggested applying the paste directly to the pimple using a cotton swab for up to 10 minutes. Warm water should then be used to clean the aspirin paste.
2. Egg whites
Jessica Krant, a board-certified dermatologist and assistant clinical professor of dermatology at SUNY Downstate Medical Center, said egg whites offer the protein and vitamins that could help tighten and draw oil out of the skin. She said putting egg whites on the areas affected by acne for 10 minutes could help unclog pores and reduce inflammation. “Egg whites are an age-old beauty secret,” Krant said.
3. Banana and orange peel
Both Krant and Jaliman suggested rubbing the peel on the affected skin for 5 to 10 minutes to improve the skin's all-over appearance. “Banana peel applied with the inside layer against the skin has been a reported cure for plantar warts on the soles of the feet, so there's reason to think it may be helpful applied to pimples,” Krant said. Jaliman also explained that orange peel contains vitamin C, which works to boost skin regeneration.
4. Aloe
Aloe has burn-relieving properties that can promote healing, fight infection and reduce scarring, according to Reader's Digest. Simply apply the gel from the plant on the acne-affected areas.
5. Lemon juice
Jaliman said lemon juice contains citric acid and L-ascorbic acid that serve as a natural astringent and antioxidant. To reduce acne, use a cotton ball to apply the juice on the pimples. Jaliman said it is better to leave it on overnight for better effects.
6. Garlic
“It has mild antiseptic and antibacterial properties, which may help when applied topically, and garlic in the diet is extremely healthy, with both anti-cancer and anti-clotting properties,” Krant said. Jaliman added that crushed garlic also delivers an antibacterial compound, called allicin, to the skin.
7. Honey
The skin experts suggest using raw, organic Manuka honey instead of regular honey. “Manuka honey has been shown to aid in wound-healing with its antiseptic and anti-inflammatory properties,” Krant said. “Regular honey may help, but it's not as proven medically.” Leave the honey for five minutes on the skin and use warm water to rinse off.
8. Potatoes
Potatoes are known to be anti-inflammatory and antiseptic and contain niacin, which may help lighten acne marks. Apply shredded white potato to the skin like a mask and massage the affected area for two minutes.
9. Mint
According to NurseBuff, mint could help treat acne due to its high amount of salicylic acid, which helps loosen dead skin cells to make them easier to shed. Mint also has vitamins A and C and omega-3 fatty acids, as well as antioxidants, which could help improve skin health. Apply crushed mint leaves with honey on the affected areas for about 20 minutes and use warm water to clean the paste.
10. Ice
Ice is the easiest to find and use among other home remedies for acne. Ice simply reduces inflammation in a pimple. “Wrap an ice cube in a wash cloth and hold it on the pimple for a minute,” Jaliman said. “It will vasoconstrict the blood vessels and take down the redness and swelling.”
6 home remedies for acid reflux
1. Plain yogurt - Yogurt is known for its cooling and soothing properties and works well when your stomach is upset. It can cool down the acid formation in the stomach and will help soothe your stomach. Filled with other nutrients like calcium, probiotics which provides bacteria that are naturally find in the stomach, yogurt is a good option to go for.
2. Aloe juice - Aloe juice comes with a lot of benefits! It's good for skin, health and also for stomach because of its anti-inflammatory effects. Loaded with vitamins and minerals, its commonly available at almost everyone's home. You can have homemade and fresh aloe juice which should be unsweetened to keep acid reflux at bay.
3. Chamomile tea - The soothing factors of chamomile are not left unknown! Grab your cup of chamomile tea during bedtime and you are done for the day. It will soothe your stomach and will also aid good sleep.
4. Oats - Rich in fibres, oats works amazing in absorbing the acid in the stomach and working against acid reflux. Simply including oats in your breakfast will reduce the chances of getting into this problem. Fibre promotes intestinal health. Enjoy the oats in form of oats smoothie, oats upma, oats cheela and give your day a healthy start.
5. Ginger - Ginger is known for its anti-inflammatory properties which help ease the stomach and other gastrointestinal problems. You can have unsweetened ginger tea or can simply grate ginger over your salad and food to treat acid reflux.
6. Celery - Celery is a low fat vegetable and will surely keep your gut health lively. This leafy green vegetable just simply neutralizes the acid factor in the stomach. You can make a celery soup or include that into your regular salad to enjoy an acidic free day.7. Banana - Banana is the best non-citrus food to goa for! It is always advisable to avoid citrus fruits during acid reflux as they add up the hydrochloric acid content in the stomach. Banana is also rich in other vitamins and minerals and is known for its cooling effects.
5 ways you can include Cinnamon into your diet
1. Cinnamon coffee: Cinnamon can also be use as home remedy through its coffee. You can do this by getting cinnamon flavored coffee or simply add a stick while you are making coffee at home. However, you should be sure that your coffee is black and without sugar.
2. Cinnamon teas: Cinnamon tea is one of the most popular ways to include cinnamon into your diet. Sip on some green tea with cinnamon to help burn fat. Make sure you don't want any sugar to your tea.
3. Baked cinnamon rolls in multigrain flour: One of the best ways to include cinnamon in your diet and has home remedy is via baked cinnamon rolls in multigrain flour can be a great way to include cinnamon into your diet.
4. Soups: You can use cinnamon as herbal remedy through soups. You can do this by adding homemade cinnamon powder or whole cinnamon into your soup. Also, do not add cornstarch or msg into it.
5. Haldi Doodh: This got a good history with India. The asian country has been using Haldi doodh or turmeric milk (Turmeric Latte) since ages. Just add a small piece of cinnamon stick to it and drink it before you go to bed. You will also sleep better.
Caution: Pregnant women should be careful with cinnamon and ask their physicians before taking it.
Can nerve damage from diabetes be reversed?
Nerve damage is a serious issue for people who have been living with diabetes for a long time. The question is can nerve damage from diabetes be reversed?
Answer : Once the Nerve Damage has gotten to the point it is obvious it cannot be reversed. BUT…The damage can be stopped or slowed down by controlling your high glucose levels that damage the nervous system.
One diabetic patient said: "My own experience with severe diabetic neuropathy has been a learning experience. I have tried every medication, supplement and natural remedy known to man. I became desperate to alleviate the horrific pain.
What has helped me the most was a product that combines a Mega dose of Vitamin B-12, B-6, and Folic Acid. I have also gotten great relief from acupuncture."
6 Natural Remedies Against Inflammation
What is the meaning of the term 'inflammation' in medicine? Inflammation is the bodies immune response to injury or disease. Inflammation is common now because of the lifestyle and diet of the average 21st century people which can eventually lead to chronic inflammation, resulting in a variety of health issues.
6 Natural Remedies Against Inflammation
Another thing you need to do to fight imflammation is to stop eating processed foods. This is necessary because if a food comes in a box or bag, chances are it’s loaded with tons of preservatives and processed chemicals that provide little to no nutritional benefit. Most of these foods are packed with unhealthy gluten, trans fats, and sugars, all of which can promote inflammation in your body. It’s best to stay away from them.
Start consuming tumeric to fight inflammation because tumeric is one of nature’s most powerful anti-inflammatory. This is possible because a compound called curcumin is found in turmeric, and studies have shown that is proven to be highly effective at reducing inflammation, overpowering proteins called cytokines that are known to cause an inflammatory response.
You should know that consuming a diet high in omega-3 fatty acids can work wonders in fighting back inflammation in the body. These fats are found in foods like fish and flaxseed oil, and can help stimulate your body to produce an anti-inflammatory response.
You need to maintain a good gut in order to fight inflammation because our gut biome is home to millions of live bacteria that play an important role in regulating our bodies immune response. If this fragile microbiome is negatively altered, it can result in significant consequences in our bodies inflammation response. Consuming probiotics like yogurt, or taking a probiotic supplement to keep your gut at a healthy level.
Try to maintain oral hygiene as this can help in preventing inflammation from spreading through your body. Brushing and flossing, can help prevent bacteria from making its way into your bloodstream and causing further inflammation.
This one also is important. Popping a few of these when trying to manage aches and pains can quickly become an easy habit to fall into. However, these drugs can knock your gut microbiome out of balance, which can quickly set yourself up for chronic inflammation down the road.
7 Benefits of Papaya Seeds
Papaya isn’t very popular in the United States.But as the benefits below will attest, incorporating the fruits into your diet can contribute towards better health and, ultimately, lower risk of disease.
While papaya is typically available as chopped fresh or dry fruit, many of its greatest benefits actually come from its seeds. The seeds have a peppery flavor and can be enjoyed raw, dried, crushed, or frozen. Since they have a strong taste, they’re best taken with a bit of honey or used to season meat or add flavor to dressings and sauces .
7 Benefits of Papaya Seeds
Start with 2-3 seeds a day and work your way up to a full teaspoon.
1. Liver Detox
Papaya seeds were traditionally used in Traditional Chinese Medicine to detoxify the liver and body. The fruit was also known to protect against chemically-induced liver damage. While it’s been documented that papaya seeds are highly beneficial in the treatment of alcohol and malnutrition-induced cirrhosis, studies have yielded mixed results. Still, eating both the fruit and seeds are beneficial for your body.
2. Better Digestive Health
The seeds and fruit are a digestive aid that can kill harmful amoebas and parasites.One study found that dried seeds effectively killed human intestinal parasites without harmful side-effects. In it, the researchers concluded: “Their consumption offers a cheap, natural, harmless, readily available monotherapy and preventive strategy against intestinal parasitosis, especially in tropical communities.” (4)Another study found that the seeds protected the digestive tract from ulcers by increasing mucus production and decreasing gastric acidity (5).
3. Fight Inflammation
These powerful seeds contain papain and chymopapain, enzymes that have the ability to lower inflammation and promote healing. In Latin America, a paste made from the seeds was traditionally applied to burns and wounds to speed recovery.The seeds are also commonly used to benefit asthma, rheumatoid arthritis, osteoarthritis, and other inflammatory conditions.
4. Protect Your Kidneys
Papaya seeds are known to protect kidneys from toxin-induced kidney failure.A study published in African Health Sciencefound that the seeds have the ability to reverse paracetamol-induced kidney damage (6). Paracetamol, called acetaminophen in North America, is the active ingredient in Tylenol and other over-the-counter pain and fever reducers.
5. Lower High Blood Pressure
Papaya seeds have documented heart benefits. Among other things, the seeds effectively control diabetes, hypertension, and hypercholesterolemia .
Carpaine, an alkaloid found in the seeds, slows heart rate by reducing blood pressure. In terms of efficacy, it’s even been compared to digitalis, a drug typically prescribed heart patients.
6. Prevent Cancer
A study published in the journal Nutrition and Cancer examined the chemopreventive properties of the seeds. They found that the seeds’ flavonoids prevented cancer through their antioxidative and anti-inflammatory mechanisms. In particular, the compounds protected both healthy cells and the genetic information they contain.
8 home remedies for dry skin
Dry skin could be temporary, seasonal or a lifelong issue.The following are symptoms of dry skin:
1. If after showering, bathing or swimming, you feel your skin is tight
2. A shrunken or dehydrated skin
3. Rough skin
4. Mild or rough itching
5. Mild to severe flaking, scaling or peeling skin
6. If there is fine lines or cracks in the skin
7. If the skin is redDry skin also known as xerosis often has an environmental cause. The following are the potential causes of dry skin :
1. Weather Skin tends to be driest in winter, when temperatures and humidity levels plummet. But the season may not matter as much if you live in desert regions.
2. Heat. Central heating, wood-burning stoves, space heaters and fireplaces all reduce humidity and dry your skin.
3. Hot baths and showers. Taking long, hot showers or baths can dry your skin. So can frequent swimming, particularly in heavily chlorinated pools.
4. Harsh soaps and detergents.Many popular soaps, detergents and shampoos strip moisture from your skin as they are formulated to remove oil.
5. Other skin conditions. People with skin conditions such as atopic dermatitis (eczema) or psoriasis are prone to dry skin.
1. Moisturize.
Moisturizers provide a seal over your skin to keep water from escaping. Apply moisturizer several times a day and after bathing. Thicker moisturizers work best, such as over-the-counter brands Eucerin and Cetaphil. You may also want to use cosmetics that contain moisturizers. If your skin is extremely dry, you may want to apply an oil, such as baby oil, while your skin is still moist. Oil has more staying power than moisturizers do and prevents the evaporation of water from the surface of your skin.Another possibility is ointments that contain petroleum jelly (Vaseline, Aquaphor). These may feel greasy, so you might want to use them only at night.
2. Use warm water and limit bath time.
Long showers or baths and hot water remove oils from your skin. Limit your bath or shower to five to 10 minutes and use warm, not hot, water.
3. Natural fibers, such as cotton and silk, allow your skin to breathe. But wool, although natural, can irritate even normal skin.Wash your clothes with detergents without dyes or perfumes, both of which can irritate your skin. These products may be labeled as "free."
4. Wear rubber gloves. If you have to immerse your hands in water or are using harsh cleansers, wearing gloves can help protect your skin.
5. Apply moisturizers immediately after bathing. Gently pat your skin dry with a towel so that some moisture remains. Immediately moisturize your skin with an oil or cream to help trap water in the surface cells.
6. use cleansing creams or gentle skin cleansers and bath or shower gels with added moisturizers. Choose mild soaps that have added oils and fats. Avoid deodorant and antibacterial detergents, fragrance, and alcohol.
7. Use a humidifier.
Hot, dry, indoor air can parch sensitive skin and worsen itching and flaking. A portable home humidifier or one attached to your furnace adds moisture to the air inside your home. Be sure to keep your humidifier clean to ward off bacteria and fungi.
8. Cover as much skin as possible in cold weather. Winter can be especially drying to skin, so be sure to wear a scarf, hat and gloves when you go out.
6 Natural Remedies For Winter Skin Issues
Those suffering from dry skin in the wintertime, can treat their skin by making an egg yolk mask. All that is needed is one egg yolk, a teaspoon of honey, and a teaspoon of oil (it could be olive oil, grape seed oil, chamomile oil, etc.). Once the mixture is whipped up, you should brushed on the skin and left on for 15 minutes until it is dried.Egg yolk is beneficial because you get all the nourishment from it as it has lecithin in it, and eggs themselves have amino acids that your body needs, and makes the mask a good anti-aging properties.Those wanting to use the remaining egg white can even make a mask to combat oily skin and blackheads by mixing in a few drops of lemon juice and a couple tablespoons of oat or buckwheat flour.
For help healing inflamed or chapped facial skin, she also advises putting cold whole milk on a cotton pad, dabbing it on the skin, towel drying, leaving it on for 10 minutes, then washing the milk off with cold water.
One good treatment you can also use is to apply infused oils — like rosebud, chamomile, or lavender oil — to the face. The oils absorb into the skin for extra moisture.
4. Lip, Body, Feet Care
Lip tend to be dry in the wintertime, therefore staying consistent specifically with lip care is also crucial for the wintertime.A nourishing lip balm should be used at all times, because the lip is extremely sensitive.Also, in addition to regularly applying a lip balm that has coco butter, beeswax, and/or vitamin E, people can also do a honey treatment. For that, people can simply apply honey to their lips with their finger and leave it on for five minutes for a hydrating effect. To exfoliate and increase blood flow to the skin while the honey is on, she says that people can use a clean, soft toothbrush to the area then wash (or lick) the honey off.For taking care of the entire body’s skin health during the winter, It is advisable for people to use [a] loofa when they take a bath or shower.”When the dead skin then scrubbed off, it is extremely important to rub in a long-term moisturizing lotion and SPF on the skin before going out. After bathing, it is also beneficial to put cornstarch between the toes to absorb moisture and prevent eczema and fungus on the feet.It is goood to select clothing made from breathable, 100 percent cotton fabrics instead of polyester-based material to avoid getting dry patches of eczema or dermatitis.
5. Dietary Help
Studies show that there is a direct connection with a person’s diet and their skin.For example, incorporating cinnamon into a winter diet can have anti-inflammatory and anti-aging effects; while consuming white and/or green asparagus can help protect skin and increase the effects of SPF.
Teas are external and internal healers. If you have a cold or sinus problems [and] drink peppermint tea, it helps to open up your sinuses. Tea can also relax the stomach, help with sleep, and be natural a remedy for those with rosacea (when used as a toner on a cotton pad).Specific flowers for teas like marigolds and linden flowers, the latter of which are excellent for relieving inflamed skin are recommended.
5 steps to use cold press to bring down fever in a child
Use cold press to bring down fever in a child
1. What you will do is to put some cool tap water in a bowl. If you like you can add a few tablespoons of vinegar in it. If you add the vinegar, the acid present in it helps draw heat out of the skin
2. The second step is to immerse a clean washcloth in the water and wring out the excess water.
3. Then put the wet cloth on your child’s forehead.
4. Remove it and repeat again once you feel that the cloth is warm
5. Repeat the process until the fever has reduced or gone.
It is important to know that you should not use very cold water, as it may cause the internal body temperature to rise.
Home/herbal remedy: How to cure you child fever with basil
One of the most effective herb for bringing down a fever in children is basil.
This is because it has antibiotic and antibacterial properties that can help get rid of the bacteria that may be causing the fever. Basil is also known to boosts the immune system, which is important for the overall well being and healing process.
1. Put a handful of basil leaves in 2 cups of water. Boil it until the solution is reduced to half. Then add a little honey and give it to your child, a few times a day.
2. Another method is to give your child some thoroughly washed basil leaves to chew. The chewing should be done at regular intervals.
3. Also, you can extract the juice from 5 to 7 basil leaves, then add a pinch of freshly ground black pepper and give it to your child 2 or 3 times a day until the fever is gone.
Home/herbal remedy for treating stomach bug: garlic
One of the best home remedies you should have at home is garlic. This is because garlic works as a natural antibiotic, so it can kill bacteria that causes stomach upsets.
For garlic to perform to optimum, it must be eaten raw. ‘When you cook garlic, you kill off allicin – the antibiotic, antifungal compound found in garlic. ‘It might be easier and gentler on your breath to take a supplement, but make sure the pills contain raw garlic. Taken regularly, garlic boosts immunity so you probably won’t get stomach upsets.’
Garlic is good for treating many sicknesses, so it is advisable to be eating it often so as to prevent many illnesses including cancer.
Herbal/home remedy for blocked sinuses : horseradish
If your sinuses is blocked, one home remedy you can try is Horseradish as it contains a cocktail of chemicals that can thin mucus and help clear it from your sinuses.
Grate fresh horseradish, or take a spoonful from a jar, and inhale it. If you can endure for longer period, you can hold it in your mouth for a minute or two.
So, anytime you feel that your sinuses is blocked, try Horseradish abd see the wonder it could do in clearing the mucus that is giving you undue problem.
Home/herbal remedy for high blood pressure : beetroot
I once wrote an article where i discuss in details how beetroot can help in reducing and controlling high blood pressure.
Beetroot is a popular home, fruit or herbal remedy for high blood pressure. If your blood pressure is high, then beetroot might be good for you. This is because, It contains nitrate, which is converted into nitric acid when we eat it. This makes the muscular walls of the blood vessels relax and decrease blood pressure.
You can get it roasted in chunks, drink it as a juice and you can also grated raw in a salad.
Herbal/home remedy for treating constipation: pure olive oil
Pure olive oil is is a natural remedy for many kind of ailments because it is more than just a healthy fat.
It is also a good home remedy for constipation as its texture and consistency are a perfect home remedy for relieving constipation.
Take a tablespoon of olive oil and lemon juice in the morning before you eat anything else. This will help to stimulate your digestive system, which helps get things moving around your colon. If you want to prevent constipation, then take it regularly.
Home/herbal remedy for treating nausea: ginger
Ginger is a home /herbal remedy that is good for several health issues. It is also a good remedy to treat nausea. For instance, A study of 2 000 naval cadets found that those who were given one gram of ginger root suffered less seasickness and fewer cold sweats than the group given a placebo.
This is possible because the active ingredients, gingerol and shogaol, inhibit the part of the brain that controls vomiting.
In order to curb motion or morning sickness, it is recommended chopping or grating 2cm of fresh ginger to use in cooking or made into tea. Thus is will help to fight the nausea and give you relief.
Home remedy for high cholesterol : pears
Cholesterol is a health condition that can be life threatening. The problem is that it will be hard to know that it is cholesterol that is affecting your health unless you do test for cholesterol.
However, if you are suffering from cholesterol, soluble fibre, like pectin found in pears, can reduce the absorption of LDL or ‘bad’ cholesterol into your bloodstream. Pectin binds with cholesterol and helps carry it out of the body before it does you any damage. The recommended average daily intake is 18g and a pear contains about 3.5g of fibre.
Natural/herbal remedy for anxiety: bananas
Some professionals who use their voice to make money such as musicians and actors said that eating bananas before a performance can calm the nerves.

This is possible because bananas are full of tryptophan, an amino acid that helps produce melatonin and serotonin, hormones that promote feelings of calmness.Bananas are also high in potassium, which can help to regulate blood pressure — which is often raised if you’re anxious.
The potassium in bananas also makes them a great hangover cure – basically they’re one of the best natural remedies ever!
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