Health highlights: sugary foods are agents of obesity, diabetes and more

Health highlights: sugary foods are agents of obesity, diabetes and more

- Consumption of  sugar-sweetened foods and beverages has been identified as the cause of overweight or even obesity, type 2 diabetes and metabolic syndrome and more.

- According to Dr. David Wikenheiser, a Canadian naturopath who carries out biological age tests: "Aging is when we have loss of energy, eye-sight and mental ability. This used to start happening to people in their 50s and 60s, but now, I am seeing patient who have these problems in their 30s and 40s." 

- Maintaining a healthful diet helps people with diabetes manage their symptoms and improve their energy levels

- Bitter melon does affect blood sugar levels. It is found that bitter melon help people lower their blood sugar and manage the symptoms of diabetes.
