High levels of the hormone insulin can stimulate breast cancer

People with diabetes may have a
cause for relief because high
levels of the hormone insulin can
even stimulate the growth of
breast cancer.
melatonin is a sleep hormone
that help us to have a sound
sleep at night, but low levels of
this hormone in the body can
stimulate the growth of breast
some 75% of cases are in
women above 50 years. Thus,
risk increases with ages.
Treatment for breast cancer
The best treatments for breast
are restrictive diet and early
detection. Treatment depend on
the stage of the breast cancer.
When cancer is early detected it
can be confined to the organ it
started from where it can be
perfectly removed or cured. But if
the treatment is not commenced
early due to late detection, it can
spread to large area of the breast
as well to other vital organs of
the body. Making oneself
available for the screening
procedures (regular checkup)
can lead to early detection of
cancer while increasing the
chance for cure.
